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After our concert I texted Sara, I missed her so much and I wanted to hear her voice.

Me: Hey lovely, once I get back to my hotel room can we FaceTime or something?

I waited a couple minutes and just started getting dressed, my phone buzzed and I instantly stopped what I was doing to go see, but it was just Twitter notifications.

I rolled my eyes and finished changing, even though I would have to shower soon and change again. On the car ride back to my hotel Sara finally answered me.

Syrup ❤️: Yes of course, text me when you get back, how was the show?

Me: Big turnout, but I couldn't keep my mind off you. How was work? Sorry I didn't get to text you afterwards, soundchecks and setting everything up takes forever.

Syrup ❤️: No worries babe, I bet you did great, I don't even have to be there to know how good you did. You're so talented Joshy, and I'm so proud of you ❤️, and work was slow, I almost missed the bus this morning because I woke up late lmao

Me: See that's why you should've let me buy you a car while I was with you baby, and thank you, that means a lot to hear from you. You make me so happy ❤️ I love you

Syrup ❤️: Thank god, otherwise this would be kind of awkward, cause I love you lots as well

Me: You're so adorable. Also brb just got to the hotel.

Syrup ❤️: Alright my sweet

I got upstairs and took a five minute shower, I got out and got into my shorts, I didn't bother putting on my shirt knowing I wouldn't sleep with it on.

Me: Can I FaceTime you now? Or is it bad timing?

Syrup ❤️: I'll call you in just a sec I gotta refill my water bottle

Within 30 seconds I heard my phone ringing, I answered instantly seeing Sara's face pop up on my screen. Her smile brightened my day in just an instant, she was wearing the sweatshirt I gave her for when she missed me.

"Joshy!" She beamed.

"Hey baby girl." She blushed at the nickname, causing me to smirk.

"Can you come back to Seattle now?" She whined, and did a fake pout.

"Man I wish, you have no idea how much I would love to be cuddling with you right now." I heard a knock at the conjoined doors, Tyler needed something, "One sec sweet." I spoke.

I answered the door, Tyler stood with a smirk on his face, "So who are you talking to?"

My face turned red, I could hear Sara laughing in the background, "Oooh Joshy!!! Are you talking to Sara!?" He teased.

"Shut up! You're lucky I don't expose half the conversations you have with Jenna to everyone." I chuckled when Tyler gasped.

"Excuse you. Sara just so you know, Josh literally couldn't stop talking about you earlier. He's quite the loverbo--" I cut Tyler off by closing the door.

I went back to my phone, Sara was laughing, her face bright red, "Oh my god that was horrible." I groaned.

"I thought it was great." Sara ruffled her hair.

"I thought it was awesome." I heard Tyler say through the door.

"What the heck was that?" Sara furrowed her eyebrows.

"It was Tyler, one sec I'm taking you into the bathroom so he can't hear. Creep." I shut the bathroom door and sat down on the toilet seat.

"Anyway, so what were you saying about me earlier that Tyler was talking about?" Sara asked with a slight smirk.

"I mean for the most part I was telling Tyler about how 'whipped' I'm not sure what the youngsters call it, well like how I'm whipped for you? And I told a couple stories, and talked about how I really missed you. A lot." I saw a blush creep to her face.

"I really miss you, a lot. Like now it feels weird to not have you here. At least I have your sweatshirt though, it smells a lot like you." It was my turn to blush.

"It looks better on your than it does on me, you can keep it lovely." She smiled and yawned.

"You have work tomorrow?" I questioned and she nodded, it was almost midnight for me, I knew that meant it was around nine for her, "how about I let you sleep?"

"Nah, besides I really want to talk to you." She answered.

"Baby girl, you need to sleep, we can talk tomorrow, alright?"

She groaned, "Fine, I love you babe, text me in the morning when you wake up. Sleep well and have sweet dreams."

"Wait one second, did you think about my offer?" I asked, Sara bit her lip.

"I'm still thinking about it Joshy, thanks again for the offer, you have no idea how much that means to me." I could hear the sincerity in her voice.

"Good, take as much time as you need my love, I'd never want to pressure you into it or anything. Anyway, I'll let you go to bed. Goodnight baby girl, sleep well and have sweet dreams. And yeah I'll text you in the morning."

"Thanks babe, talk to you in the morning? I love you." She smiled. (SARA SMILES)

"I love you too baby." I blew a kiss to her and she giggled before sending one to me.

We ended the call a second later, I already missed her.

y'all solar eclipse??
Have any plans?? Comment below cause this is super exciting !!!!!

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