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West Hollywood was a little ways away from the beach, but Josh was good company in the car. Plus he had good music taste, so the car ride seemed shorter.

"Josh?" I said between songs.

"Yeah baby?" He replied.

"I love you so much and you're so good to me. We should get married someday and move to some cute house not far from the beach and city. And maybe we can have kids someday but they creep me out so whatever, and I think we should grow very old and gross together. I love you." Josh put his blinker on and pulled into a rest stop.

"Sweetheart, that's a wonderful idea. I love you too, and kids creep you out? Since when? That might be a dealbreaker I love kids." I smiled.

"Well always, they talk a lot, and it's usually not fun things to hear, stuff like 'I just wipeded my booger on the couch!!!' Like no thanks. They're too honest." (Typo on purpose)

"Yeah but they're compressed humans, baby humans, it's kinda cute. Like kittens!" Josh unbuckled his seatbelt.

"Yes but kittens don't talk, or act like small compressed Satan's, and they don't smell as bad or need humans to survive. Maybe instead of kids we can just get two cats and maybe two dogs." Josh chuckled and opened his door and motioned for me to follow.

"I'm hungry. But we can talk about kids some other day yeah?" I nodded and walked faster to catch up to Josh, I laced my fingers with his.

We got burgers at In-N-Out, which was better than I thought it would be. We got back into the car and drive the beach after, it was sprinkling outside, but again kissing in the rain was definitely a good idea.

We walked onto the dock and sat down, our feet dangling over the ocean, Josh had a small umbrella over us, forcing us to stay closer for the sake of dryness. I pulled my phone out to take a picture of us.

"Here sweets let me see it." I handed him my phone and he pinched it between his fingers over the water.

"Joshua Dun!" I yelled trying to grab it from him, he chuckled and handed it back to me.

"Aw I'm sorry babe, is there something wrong? Hopefully you're not too mad at me. I was promised cute pictures and kisses in the rain." He teased.

I stood up mockingly and smugly walked away, "Sara!" Josh got up and ran after me, I looked at him and giggled and starting running away from him.

"Don't run on the dock you'll slip!" He yelled, still running after me.

Once we got close to land I jumped off the dock onto the sand and kept running. I could hear Josh's footsteps getting closer and closer but it wasn't stopping me.

But of course me being graceful, I tripped over a big pile of sand and started falling. Josh being even more graceful caught me, but fell down on top of me.

"Shit, are you alright?" Josh pulled me up quickly, but I couldn't answer him from laughing so hard. He set me down on my feet, he started laughing because of my laughing.

"Y-yes." I answered, getting over my fit of laughs.

He pulled me into his chest, "Good I was worried I killed you for a second there." He kissed my forehead right as it started to rain harder. I looked up for our Nickolas Sparks moment and kissed him.

We stood in the rain kissing for several moments but had to break away from smiling. Josh pulled out his phone and started taking pictures of me, so I ran away again.

If one thing was certain, this was my heaven, and I was with my guardian angel.

Prom is on the 28th and I'm so excited !!!!!

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