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I woke up from an early morning phone call, I groaned and reach for my phone, I answered it and held the device close to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone.

"Good morning beautiful. I'm at Krispy Kreme and want to know what I should buy for you, also your sleepy voice is lovely." I blushed, at that moment I realized Josh wasn't cuddled beside me.

"I'm alright Josh, what time is it?" I still had my eyes shut.

"It's 7:30ish, anyways I'll get you donuts anyway, I'll see you soon baby girl. I love you." My cheeks got even warmer.

"I love you too guapo, I'll see you soon. Bye." Josh hung up before I could, I would've loved to get up at the moment but I shut my eyes for a couple seconds and fell back asleep.

Within the next half hour, Josh came home and had woken me up, I was still half asleep and wearing his shirt as I drank the coffee he bought for me.

"Thank you babe." I mumbled, Josh smiled and bit his lip partially, which made me swoon.

"Anytime sleeping beauty, also, what is a 'guapo,' if that's what you said anyway." I blushed, which Josh made me do way too much.

"It's Spanish for handsome." I informed him, I started to perk up.

"There's a lot of donuts in the kitchen by the way, you didn't tell me what you wanted so there's glazed, chocolate, blueberry..." I followed Josh into to the kitchen.

"My favorite is blueberry." I started to chuckle, Joshua grinned and winked.

"I knew that, we're obviously soulmates and destined to be together." I smirked and shook my head.

"I can't argue with that." I stood on my tippy toes and gave Josh a soft kiss, he pulled me closer, his hands on my waist.

Once I tried to pull away he went right back in, but my smile got him to pull away, "Sweets, as much as I love your smile, I was trying to kiss you." I started to laugh and stepped away to get a donut.

Josh wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me and put his head on my shoulder, "Why do you look better than me in all of my clothes?"

"That's a lie but nice try, woah that rhymed." I rubbed my hands on Joshua's, he let go of me and went back into the living room.

"I'm a truther, lovely." I rolled me eyes.


Josh ended up dying my hair for me, which only meant less work for me. Half the time I was half-asleep since he was running his hands through my hair. Once I washed it out, Joshua wouldn't stop being sweet and complimenting me, he even went as far as to start snapchat- videoing me.

"You guys, I'm still not over how pretty Sara's new hair color is, I know this is the third time I've posted about it, but aHHH." Josh stopped filming and started to type something.

"Josh I'm tired, and you keep playing with my hair and it's making me sleepier, can we go to bed?" I was leaning against his shoulder, close to sleep, while he watched TV.

"Of course we can baby girl, your new hair color looks so good on you. My goodness you're so beautiful and I have no idea how on earth I got so lucky, what are the chances I end up texting a goddess?" I giggled.

"If you think I happen to be beautiful, I'd love to see how highly you view yourself, conserving how guapo you are." Joshua started running his hands through my hair again.

"No baby, I only view you. Wow that sounds creepy. Alright let's get to bed." Josh stood up abruptly, which caused me to almost fall, however Josh picked me up bridal-style and brought me to my bed.

"Babe." I mumbled, "I think you're so handsome and amazing and that you're the best thing to have ever happened to me. There's no one else I'd rather grow old with, and let down my walls for. I love you babe."

"Oh my goodness you're the sweetest. I love you baby girl, as well." Josh kissed me forehead, walked to the other side of the bed, and crawled under the blankets.

lol I have a crush on this chick in my choir class, let's hope everything works out ((:

Idek if she's gay or nah, so I'm just kinda ?? Idk lol someone help me

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