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He pulls his hand out, "Nice to meet you too, I'm Tyler Joseph." He says shaking my hand.


I stand in shock, I open my mouth, but again nothing comes out. It's strange, when one of your idols stands in front of you and you flabbergasted because he's heard a lot about you since you've been talking to his band mate and best friends for two months. And it doesn't help when I know what this is about.

"I see you're a bit quiet, do you not remember me? We talked on the phone last night." He says breaking the silence.

"I-I.. Um yeah sorry.." I say looking down. I start to worry that Josh is here somewhere. A chill runs down my spine.

"Everything's all right, why don't you come sit down." Tyler offers, he tries to guide me to a couch near a dressing room door, Josh Dun is taped on a piece of paper. I back up again, I'm not going near that door, because I know what's in it.

"I'm sorry.. I just can't, really.." I say trying to walk away.

"Wait, please don't leave. Sara." Tyler pauses. "I promise I won't let anything bad happen, I just want you and Josh to speak in person." He finishes. I feel the anxiety crawl up my throat but I stay motionless in the silence I created.

"Tyler I can't, I've embarrassed myself enough." I turned to leave but he ran back in front of me.

"Can I at least tell him you came? It would mean a lot to him." Tyler sighed softly but we both heard a door open behind me.

"Sa-Sara?" An all-too-familiar voice called out.

I didn't even hesitate to run, which really reminded me of how out of shape I was, man I was lucky I had a fast metabolism.

Once I was out of the arena doors and in the street, I stopped running, no one had come after me. I was so thankful, but disappointed I wasn't going to see my favorite band perform.

I felt traumatized in that moment, everything I shared with the man only reminded me to not trust anyone else, I was better alone. For someone who was so out of shape, I spent most of my time running away from my problems, and once I got back to my apartment, they had caught up to me.

I sat on my floor, everything in my past haunted me, Jai, my parents, the hatred I was forced to bare. I just needed the loneliness, it's all I had needed all these years, but now I started to yearn for company, a loving company of any kind.

I wondered how long I'd been crying on my floor when I heard a long knock at my door. I already knew who it was.

this needed major editing, for those who hate on Sara for not taking the 'opportunity' to be with Josh, y'all suck. Keep it to yourself, her backstory tells itself. Fair warning it's pretty sad, and just keep in mind she's been through a lot and runs away from her problems, and how she feels with Josh is one of them. She's been alone for several years and that crap takes a toll on people.

Wrong Number (Josh Dun)Where stories live. Discover now