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I woke up early in the morning and got ready for work, I had some missed calls and texts from him but I was running late and the bus would be leaving in fifteen minutes.

I got into my uniform and put as much makeup as I could in what little one I had, I ran to the bus stop and got onto the bus, scanning my bus pass and sitting down. Within another minute the bus left, I had gotten on just in time.

I checked my notifications.

Joshypoo: Hey Syrup, text me when you can, I assume you're at work or something and that's why you didn't answer my calls, I love you ❤️

Me: Morning, apologies, I just woke up late and I'm on the bus to go to work, I'll be off at one ish, so like 4 for you, I'll text you when I can. I love you too ❤️

Once I got off at my stop, I had to walk another five minutes to the gas station I worked at, once I got there, I opened the store and got everything going.


During my break, I checked my phone again.

Joshypoo: Alright baby, just text me when you can, I'm not sure when sound checks and stuff is but I'll do my best. Have a good day at work (:

Me: I will, I have like thirty minutes right now, I'm on break. I really miss you, when's your next break? (Like between concerts)

I stopped at Starbucks to grab something to eat, I decided on a coffee cake and a small coffee, since I didn't have much time or money to spend it all getting something special.

I sat at a table eating and drinking.

Joshypoo: In like a week, I have 5 days, maybe I could take you with me?

Me: I'm not sure, I don't think my boss would be happy with me taking vacation time since I just got the job like two weeks ago,, I'll figure something out though, I agree with what you said, I miss you and hate being away from you

Joshypoo: I understand, I don't want you to throw away your job for me, I know I was being a big jerk yesterday about it, you don't have to give up your life for me, however if you change your mind about that, I can pay to have your stuff moved to my LA apartment and you could live there, before we met I would just go down there during breaks or up to Ohio, I understand if it's too sudden though

Me: You're the absolute sweetest, I'll think about it but no promises, I'm finally getting back on my feet with the new income I have coming and I'd feel like a freeloader just living in your house,,,

Joshypoo: My baby girl, it wouldn't be freeloading, I think it would be a honor to house you. It's nothing special, I pay less for it than you do for your apartment. Besides, there's lots of job opportunities down there, and it's pretty warm all year round, I know you get cold easy, ❤️ I want you to know I'm always here, if you ever need somewhere to go or stay, I'm here. I love you

Me: I love you too Joshy, I have to head back to work but I'll think about it, and prolly be thinking about you lots cause I miss you ): ❤️

Joshypoo: Just a little less than a week my dear, text me when you can, I miss you too ❤️.

I walked back to work in the cold, thinking about everything Josh was doing for me, I knew at that point I could let my walls down completely, I could trust him.

Hello I might delete a crap ton of things I did and like give this book a better ending n sh!t, what do you guys think?

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