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I lied awake a night, I had all day once Josh fell back asleep on the couch, me not wanting to disturb him. I was scared shitless of Christmas with Josh and his family. What if they saw me the way my own family saw me, and then Josh would leave me, and he'd never come back. It was that and the whole aspect of actually having to shop this Christmas and buy something. I didn't know what I'd be buying when I walked into the record and music store. I walked around the store looking for something Josh would like, that and I though it would be nice to get something for Tyler and Jenna. They'd both been so sweet to me when I was with them.

"Are you okay? You look like a lost puppy." A voice asked from behind me.

"Actually, maybe you could help me." I said turning around. The man was a lot taller than me, and he was well built. His blonde hair was swept up looking like a ski ramp, and his pale skin matched his blue eyes.

"What are you shopping for?" He said with a faint smirk.

"I'm shopping for my boyfriend, he plays drums, and he's in a band.." I didn't want to give too much information since no one would believe me.

"Well, we have things for drums, like drum sticks, drums themselves.." He looked off in thought for a moment. "I play drums too, and I would like if I had a girlfriend who'd get me some drumsticks that had something cool engraved on it! We can do that!" He said excitedly. I smiled, that's what I would do. I was going to get Josh nice drum sticks what his initials engraved on them, and I could throw in a gift card or something. It was awful. I was so bad a Christmas shopping. I didn't even remember to get anything for Tyler and Jenna.
"Hey you're home!" Josh said throwing his arms around me. I hid his Christmas gifts in my purse, concealed.

"Yeah I am." I said giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"I missed you." He said kissing me back. I knew I needed to go back and get him something more, this boy in front of me was so much more deserving.

"I missed you more." I challenged. His eyes brows perked up.

"Is that so?"

"Yeah it is."

"Nah." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah huh. You have no idea how hard it is to shop for you."

"I don't need groceries?"

"Christmas present wise." I laughed

"Oh, Sara.. You don't need to get me anything." Josh mumbled causing me to kiss his nose.

"Yeah but I wanted to."

"I'm falling in love with you." He said dropping a bombshell on me, which he had a habit of doing so.

I love how it's July and it's a Christmas chapter

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