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I waited at the airport, Josh should be here any second. I've been here for thirty minutes deciding whether or how to tell Josh not only about Jai, but also about my past, he deserved to know, because he was good to me. The last thing I needed was for him to think I didn't like him because of how used to I got with pain.

A familiar red mop walked through the door, I smiled and walked over to hug him.

He grabbed me tightly and kissed my forehead.

"Man did I miss you" he smiled

"I missed you too." I commented, although I was too scared, and Josh was onto me.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Just anxious."
We took a bus back to my apartment. I applied for a better job since I quit my other one. I tried out for a clothing store clerk, a manager for a restaurant, and a waitress. They all had higher pay than my old job, but some less than others.

"How have you been, since there was a period of time that you stopped talking to me?" Josh questioned. He was acting suspicious and my mind raced to the worst of things. What if he thinks I cheated on him.. Well not that he's my boyfriend, but still..

"It was a bad day. I had a lot of job interviews and I was really stressed.." I answered. We were sitting on the couch relaxing.

"And you couldn't bother to not even text 'oh hey I'm applying for a job talk to you later' or anything?" He demanded sounding a bit upset.

"Sorry." I mumbled

"That's all you have to say?" Josh furrowed his brows, anger beginning to fill his aura.

"Josh please stop." I spoke softly, my plea causing him to soften his posture immediately.

"Well it bothers me that you didn't say anything, I was worried I upset you or something." His voice in a higher octave.

"I'm sorry. It's just been a rough couple of days."

"What does that mean."

"There's something I need to tell you."


HA! Cliffhanger.

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