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(I'm a mature Wattpad writer wow)


"Oh my goodness you bought me an MCR shirt too?" I started to laugh, holding it up to my torso.

"Yeah I really want to match, and plus you'd look really cute in it." Josh replied.

"Joshua I could just wear yours. You didn't have to buy me anything." I spoke causing Josh to roll his eyes.

"You bought me one Sweets, and yes you always could but then we wouldn't match."

"That's a good point Joshy, how about we go out today and do something, and we can match?" I asked.

"Heck yes, my hair appointment is today so afterwards we'll really be matching, since I'll be getting my hair done pink." Josh wrapped his arms around me, "Thank you for breakfast by the way, it was delicious." Josh kissed my forehead, I looked up at him and kissed his cheek.

"Anytime handsome, also when you dye your hair I'm gonna take a bunch of pictures of you on Snapchat. Cause you do that to me a lot." Josh blushed and I giggled.

"Yeah but, uh... alright you win." Josh left me to go shower, while I was waiting I decided to just scroll through my Instagram feed.

Weirdly enough I followed fan accounts and saw my own face on many of them, I never would picture myself getting this far. Most pictures were those that Joshua had taken, as I didn't really take pictures of myself.

Once Josh was finished getting ready, we got into his car and started driving to the hair salon.

"Josh." I looked at him, his focus was on the road, he looked so handsome, as always.

"Yeah Sweets?" He took one hand off the wheel and used to it grab my hand.

"You're so handsome. And, sorry that wasn't what I was trying to get at it just came out, but how long do you think it's gonna take?" Josh pulled into the parking lot of the hair salon.

"Maybe two hours or more, why?" He took his hand out of mine to park the car.

"Maybe afterwards we can see a movie? Or go do something, like a date?" I blushed awkwardly and looked at my feet.

"You don't even have to ask sweetheart, of course we can. Plus the more people that see us matching the better, right?" I grabbed Josh's face and moved him closer to kiss his cheek, causing him to blush softly.

"You're so cute look at those cheeks! Anyways, let's go get your hair done." Josh grabbed the sides of my face and kissed me on the lips slowly.

"Look who has the cute cheeks now." Josh teased.

Hio this is a lil short but I just wanted to put out an update,

Also it's likes Tyjos bday so happy birthday if you guys are reading this !! 😂😂 (since they "do")

Also sorry I'm not posting much, I'm in the process of moving !! It's awful !!

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