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I decided to take Josh whale watching, we had to go on a ferry to get there, I was lucky my paycheck had just come in because I wanted to pay for everything.

"So like, how big is the boat gonna be because I don't want a whale to like, jump on the boat." I chuckled.

"Babe, there's never been any incidents, we can do something else if you want." We we're already on the ferry, it didn't cost much to get on.

"No I'm just messing, besides I've never done something like this so I think it will be awesome. Should I Snapchat it?" I started to laugh.

I rolled my eyes, "Do whatever you want Joshy." Within seconds Josh pulled out his phone and started taking a video, sadly I was in the background.

"Hey guys I'm going whale watching today with Sara!" He spoke excitedly, "Say hi to Snapchat Sara!" I waved and smiled, even if I didn't really like myself I wanted to try and do stuff I wasn't comfortable with, for Josh.

Josh put it on his story and clicked his phone off, putting it back in his pocket. He reached over and grabbed my hand, intwining our fingers together.

"Oh my gosh your hands are freezing, do you want some gloves?" Josh pointed to a gift shop behind us.

"No I'm alright, thank you though." I gave his hand a squeeze.

"Alright, I'm gonna go see if they have a bathroom in there." He squeezed my hand back before letting go and getting up, I pulled out my phone and realized I had some texts from my sister Miranda.

Miranda: bitch why're you on Josh Dun's Snapchat story???? Like is there something you're not telling me or

Me: Well we haven't talked in months

Miranda: So? Y'all fucjin ?

Me: This is exactly why I don't talk to you lmao, no we aren't doing the dance with no pants. He's my boyfriend, we met by accident. I'm gonna be moving down to LA with him within the next two weeks

Miranda: Shit can I come visit

Me: Nice to know that the only reason you want to see me is for my boyfriend (:

I shut off my phone but got more texts from her

Miranda: You know I didn't mean it like that, I've missed you.

I ignored her text and waited for Josh, who came out within a couple more seconds.

"Hey, I got you gloves and a Cola." He handed me some lavender gloves and set my coke on the table beside me.

"Thank you babe. I missed you." I took the gloves out of packaging and put them on, it didn't matter that I said I didn't want them, but the fact he bought some anyway made me feel fuzzy.

"I missed you too, I picked those ones because they remind me of your hair." I blushed and smiled.

"You're the cutest thing in the whole universe I can't. Okay but speaking of my hair I need to redye it badly, maybe later we can pick out a new color before we go home?" I laced my fingers back with Josh's, his hands had black gloves.

"Of course we can lovely, I need to get a new color too, I'm thinking pink, thoughts?"

"Oh my goodness please do that would be amazing." Josh smiled and kissed my gloved-hand.

The rest of the ride was fairly (local) silent, Josh ended up apparently posting a bunch of pictures of me on Snapchat, I just hoped the pictures weren't that bad.

"Hey this is our stop." I stood up and grabbed my soda, me and Josh walked off the boat and onto the dock, we only had to walk down the street to get to the whale watching boat. I was thankful I bought the tickets online, otherwise they'd be sold out.

We were finally on the ferry back home, it had been a long day for both of us, we ended up seeing lots of whales. While the whales were amazing to see in person, I couldn't help but watch how excited Joshua got from them.

This time we were sitting on the back of the ferry, we were looking behind us, holding hands, and I had my head on Josh's shoulder.

"Thank you for tonight lovely." Josh placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Of course babe, I think the best part about today wasn't the whales, but seeing your reaction. You're adorable." I leaned into his touch, I was super excited to move in with Josh and get to see him more frequently.

"Stop making me blush in public." Josh and I both laughed at that.

"Now you know how it feels, like I'm just trying to be a clerk but you keep making me blush in front of my customers," I looked up at Josh with a slight smirk.

"Good." He replied, Joshua brought his lips down for a soft kiss.

We stayed still for a couple moments, before he deepened the kiss, I adjusted my position to contribute to the kiss. When he pulled away we stayed forehead against forehead for several minutes before it was our stop.

Once we got back to the apartment, we both got ready for bed and crawled into my bed and cuddled.

"You're the best, you know that right?" I whispered softly, I was running my fingers through Josh's hair slowly.

"Well I'm glad you think so, I will continue to be the best for you baby." Josh kissed my nose.

"Joshy, you make me so unbelievably happy, and I love you." I dared to look him in the eyes and blushed at my own words, I felt a slight anxiety run through my veins.

"And I love you baby girl." Afterwards, we went to bed, a morning of goodbyes coming for us.

hey frens, I might not update for a little bit, something really bad happened at school last week and I really don't want to say much about it because it will reveal more about my location than I'm willing to share.

What I'm asking is to just bear (bare? Idk) with me while I go through this, I'm really sorry if this isn't news you want to hear, but what happened is a tragedy for my whole community and I'm trying to heal and help others heal in this time.

Please please respect my break-thing -reasoning, I personally don't think I'll be gone long I'm just saying this in case you guys get worried or wonder where your updates are.

I will do my best to update and fix this story as time goes on, I just need to find some happiness so this book doesn't go downhill again.

I love you guys so much, please stay safe and know that my inbox is always open 💜💜💜



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