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I couldn't imagine living with Josh, not him just staying at my house, or is sharing a hotel room, but living together. As much as I was terrified of the thought, it was also extremely calming. He could just be in the other room, in hands reach, I wouldn't be facetiming Josh just to see his face when he was away.

I ended up staying up really late just thinking about living in the same house as Josh. I still felt like it was freeloading, everything was fast between me and Josh, there was no denying there was lots of chemistry and sparks with us. I was in love and so was he, I wanted to be happy with him for the rest of my life, and wake up beside him.

I finally got up and took my time to get ready, for once I had plenty. I even made myself a cup of coffee, and a lunch so I wouldn't have to buy one.

I sent Josh I quick text before I let for the bus stop.

Me: Good morning Joshy, I hope you slept well, I'm off to the bus and I'm on time for once. Just wanted to let you know that I've been thinking almost all night about moving in together, I'm still thinking about the question, maybe I could chip in rent?

I waited in silence for the bus to come, I was ten minutes early, which bittersweet because one hand I wouldn't be running to get there, but on the other hand it was freezing outside and the man beside me was snoring loudly. Not that I could blame him, it was really early.

Joshy 💜: Morning lovely, I slept alright and also don't worry about paying rent sweet, I don't even pay that much for it.

Me: Doesn't that just give me a bigger reason to help pay for it?

Joshy 💜: Nooooooo

The bus pulled up waking the man beside me, he let me climb onto the bus first, I scanned my pass and told the driver where my stop was. I sat towards the front, per usual.

Me: You're adorable but I do what I want (((:

I Joshy 💜: Aren't you one to talk? And so do I :)))

Me: Did you just use MY smiley but backwards ???

Joshy 💜: It would appear so, my love. >B-))
(I know it's hard to tell so that's a dude wearing sunglasses who has an evil face)

Me: I know what it is, Joshua. I thought what we had was special. I can't believe you would do that to me. Consider this relationship OVER!!!!1!1!

I ended up smiling and laughing a bit, which probably made everyone else wonder how I could be this alive so early, but for once, I didn't care.

Joshy 💜: Wait no baby comeback I'm sorry I didn't mean it

Me: Babe issa joke, as if I could leave you, you're literally the best thing to have happened to me

Joshy 💜: Why am I crying in the club rn

Me: What? Are you raving or something ?

Joshy 💜: Sweetheart it's a meme

Me: Ohhhh that explains why I don't get it (((-,:

Joshy 💜: When I see you in 6 days, I'm showing you so many memes. I will literally make an account for you on every social media just so you can look at memes

Me: Joshua, I have social media accounts. I don't use them or post on them. I only use them to...lurk ┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬┴┬┴

I got off at my stop and started walking to work, I knew it would be a slower day, since it was a Monday, which hopefully meant I could talk to Josh more. At first I figured I couldn't be on my phone, but the owner and manager used theirs to play games while customers weren't around.

Joshy 💜: Baby Noah fence but that's the creepiest thing you've ever sent me

Me: I figure you mean 'no offense' but I'll ignore that, whoever Noah Fence is lol, and ┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬┴┬┴ that's me looking at you, w a t c h i n g


Me: Alright I'm sorry babe, I love you ((((: 💜💜💜💜💜

Joshy 💜: Thank god bc I have an unhealthy obsession with you, I love you ❤️

Me: How...unhealthy, would you say? On a scale of one to ┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬┴┬┴? How unhealthy is ur obsession?

Joshy 💜: Is there any face that goes higher than that one? Cause if so it's above that face, also that face is creepy. Unlike yours. Remember that one time I called u shrexy bc I do

Me: How could I forget. What if one day we had kids and they ask you what you first thought when you saw me? Like would you be honest and say 'shrexy' ??

Joshy 💜: Baby I'll definitely be honest, they gotta know how they should be treated when they meet their soul mate. If your soulmate don't call you 'shrexy' you can do better

Me: Jesus Christ on a motor bike, I'm in love w the weirdest person alive.

Joshy 💜: That's so inconsiderate, you didn't even think about the fact I'm dead inside, I'm not 'alive' I'm 'half alive' :///// how dare u

Me: Dang how could I forget???? Man I'm so selfish I'm so sorry babe pleassdsse forgive me!!!!!!Much sorry!!!!!!!

I unlocked the front doors and turned everything on, getting everything started in the morning sucked, but why complain if I got to talk to my love all day?

Joshy 💜: You're lucky you're shrexy, otherwise you wouldn't be getting off the hook so easy ;)

Me: Are you even from this planet ???

Joshy 💜: No, we're the first inter-galactic-racial couple to ever exist.

Me: God dangit come home already so I can kiss ur face like 3.5 times and cuddle you !!!!!!! This is a demand, not a suggestion

Joshy 💜: This is why we should move in together :::::(


Joshy 💜: 1) enough to look at you my shrexy baby, & 2) like I said, I'm not from 'around here' so I would appreciate if you'd take that into consideration


Joshy 💜: Mmokay baby girl ;;;;;;;;;)

I blushed harder, the customer bought a cup of coffee and left, I was happy there wasn't much of a rush to get coffee, the coffee here wasn't good.

Me: Okay listen here, greedy little slut. You can't just walk into my text messages and make me blush in front of ladies buying coffee. Not only is it selfish, you greedy little slut, but is greedy, you greedy little slut.

Joshy 💜: I swear to go d I'm gonna book a flight to Seattle rn and PERSONALLY make you blush!!! Don't even @ me with that 'greedy little slut' stuff unless you're saying that in mY FACE!!!!!

Me: Greedy. Little. Slut. Come at me bih I miss you and want you to come and PERSONALLY make me blush, maybe throw in a couple kisses?

Joshy 💜: I miss you so much rn I love you baby, when I get back to you I'm gonna cuddle u so hard and give you so many kisses you'll prolly run out of air.

Me: Heck yeah. Kinky.


Any of you guys question what I'm on ??? Bc same.

Also school starts on the 30th (august) KILL ME


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