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"Josh." I called out, I had just gotten home from work.

"Oh my gosh you're home!" I heard the lamp in the living room flicker on and loud footsteps, within seconds I was in Josh's arms.

"Wow I missed you too." I giggled (ew I hate that word) and hugged him back. Josh kissed my forehead and rocked us back and forth a couple times.

"Can I sleep with you in your bed tonight?" Josh asked me again for the second day in a row.

"Joshy you're more than welcome to come snuggle with me. I want to get dressed though so I'll be right back." I walked into my room and hurriedly changed, I opened my door and called Josh in.

He turned off the lamp and walked into my room, "Is that my shirt?" He chuckled.

"Uhh maybe." I replied, "Do you want it back? I can change out of it if you want." My anxiety instantly rose.

"No no baby, I was just asking. It looks cuter on you anyways." I could feel the fear eating away at my insides so I just nodded.

I should've asked to borrow it, I was pushing boundaries and being rude. I couldn't even believe myself in the moment.

"Sweets? You alright?" Josh put his hands on my shoulder and used his hand to make me look at him.

"Yeah, m'sorry." I pulled away and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth.


During most of the night I stayed awake thinking about how tomorrow was my last full day with Josh before he left again. I wanted to take him out for the day and do something nice for him.

I'm the morning I made a cup of coffee for both of us and woke Josh up.

"Babe, wake up sleepyhead." I shook him slightly.

"Hmm?" Josh stirred and opened his eyes, "Morning." He mumbled and started rubbing his eyes.

"I made you coffee, in the kitchen." I walked out of the room and sat on the couch, waiting for Josh to get up.

In the meantime I opened my phone and started setting up my personal Instagram that I figured I should get. I didn't know much about social media but Josh said he'd show me the basics, he also joked about giving me a 'shoutout' for followers, which was a little confusing.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to put my last name on the app so I didn't, I didn't have a profile picture either, but I went and followed the twenty one pilots crew I knew, which included Josh.

Josh's Instagram had lots of pictures of him and Tyler on tour and playing shows, it was actually really nice to look at, although I got to see him in person lots, not just in pictures.

"Hey baby girl, what're you doing?" Josh sat beside me and sipped his coffee, his sleepy voice was still prominent.

"Stalking your Instagram." I laughed and watched him carefully as he did the same.

"Did you post any pictures yet?" He questioned, I shook my head. "Why not?"

"Well one, I don't really have any pictures of myself except for the one I took that one time to show you what I look like, and that was a long time ago." I confessed, I never did anything interesting, nor did I really have any reason to take pictures of myself.

"Okay wow, so today I will probably take a bunch of cute pictures of you for you to post online. You're the cutest, and the world deserves to see your beauty." I blushed softly.

"You should stop talking and also any picture you take of me will more than likely look weird." I rolled my eyes and started drinking my own cup of coffee.

"What's that supposed to mean? Are you making fun of my photography skills?" Josh's eyebrows were furrowed, he didn't get where I was going.

"No I'm making fun of myself silly. There's absolutely nothing about you that could be bad."

Josh scooted right next to me on the couch and grabbed my face, firmly kissing me. "Don't you dare ever make fun of yourself. You're the most beautiful person I've ever laid my eyes on, and there's nothing about you that isn't beautiful. If you ever say otherwise I will put you in a weirdly-positioned headlock and kiss you endlessly until you state otherwise, understand?"

"That was wild from start to finish, but I'm still flattered in a way?" I kissed Josh back, and ran my hands through his hair, "Your hair's so soft."

"I'm glad you think so. Yours is as well." Josh grinned and I couldn't help but do the same, his smile was breathtaking.

"Wowie I like you lots. I want to take you out today." I kissed Josh's nose and he bit his lip.

"In what way? Like a date? Or like garbage, are you gonna do it with a sniper? I'm fine with any of the three options." We both started laughing.

"A date you goose."

lol I'm tired af and everything irritates mE HELP

in other news Josh Dun makes me question how gay I am (: the struggles of being bi is too mUCH UGH (don't take this weirdly. Everyone's really hot and it makes me confused lol)

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