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I felt nervous, my concert was in two days. I was supposed to meet Josh, he still hasn't sent me a picture of him. He was also able to give me a pass to let me go backstage and meet both Tyler and Josh. It was hard to believe this was happening, and I still didn't know why Josh gave me the tickets.

I made some random lady's latte and gave it to her watching her leave. The cafe I worked at was never busy, there were very few regulars and never many new customers either. I relaxed and checked my phone again, Josh had been texting me all night, updating me on how I'll get my tickets. Some guy is supposed to deliver them to my house tomorrow morning, and give me the pass as well. My shift was ending in fifteen minutes, meaning soon my coworker would be here to take over. I put my phone away when a car pulled up to the drive through.

"Hi, what can I get you?" I said trying to sound cheery.

"Can I get some Italian sodas, one blue raspberry, the other cherry?" I smiled, I loved blue raspberry.

"Coming right up, sir." I replied and went right to work. I finished and saw he had exact change. We traded, he was in a security guard uniform, he passed the Italian sodas to the back seat. I watched the car drive away and then my coworker walked in, so I went on my walk back to my apartment. I started to get nervous when I felt like I was being watched, I called Josh and he picked up instantly.

"Hey Sara." He answers.

"Hi Josh, I'm calling because I feel like I'm being watched and it's unsettling." I whisper yelled

"You do?..." Suddenly I felt like his voice was closer.

"Yeah.." I let my phone fall from my ear as I turned around, seeing nobody, my nerves were getting the best of me. "Josh I'll call you back." I hung up before he could respond and headed to the nearest bus stop.

Once I got home I texted Josh and went to get out of my uniform. I hear my phone ringing in the other room and rush to answer it.

"Hello?" I realized I didn't bother checking call ID.

"Hey Sara, could we like, talk about something? Kinda like serious?" Joshua's voice was nervous, and I realized whatever he was about to tell me was big.

"Yeah of course, what's up?" I replied, I tried to sound like I wasn't freaking out, but I knew I had failed.

"Open your door." And then I realize I hear his voice outside my door. I end the call and stand up, I slowly walk to the door. I look through the peephole and almost faint.

Joshua Dun stands outside my front door


Wrong Number (Josh Dun)Where stories live. Discover now