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Joshua was still in a deep sleep, soft breaths came out of his mouth. Meanwhile I was staring at the ceiling, Josh on my chest, while I ran my hands through his hair.

I was feeling good in the moment, contentment in the room as rain hit the window softly. I had been awake for hours like this, I couldn't fall back asleep but I was okay with that. Josh's presence had me at ease.

Josh woke up not long after, I smiled softly watching him wake up, he stretched out a little and looked up at me.

"Good morning sweets." He spoke sleepily.

I blushed at the way his voice sounded, I wanted to wake up like this for the rest of my life.

"Good morning handsome." I replied, he noticed I was still running my hands through his hair and smiled, he sat up.

"How long have you been awake?" He rolled his shoulders.

"A couple hours probably. But I'm okay with that." Joshua chuckled at that.

"Why didn't you wake me up? Jeez you've probably been so bored." His tone lowered nervously, I realized that he probably felt bad about it.

"Because you're cute when you're sleeping, and I wasn't bored, I was just thinking." I scooted closer to him and put my arm around his shoulders.

"About what?" He shrugged off my arm and got up, he opened the door and left the room, leaving me to catch up and answer him.

"Good things. I was thinking about how much I feel at home, and it's raining right now so it's super peaceful in our room. And I was thinking about how happy you make me. And uh, I thought about how I want to wake up next to you everyday for the rest of my life." Josh turned on the coffee maker and looked to me with a smile.

"I love you so much, you know that? He pulled me closer to him with my, no his, shirt and kissed me softly.

"I love you so much too, or would it be said as like, I love you too so much?"

"I don't care as long as you're saying it to me. Do you want me to make you your coffee?" He asked.

"Yes please handsome." I leaned on the kitchen counter and watched him carefully.


"You wanna do something today? We could go walk on the beach." I offered.

"It's raining." Josh half laughed.

"That's never stopped us in Seattle." I leaned closer to him with one eyebrow raised.

"Sara it's always humid and stuff there, where we are it's rare for it to rain. We should go to the beach some other day, we could go see a movie or something." I rolled my eyes.

"Yes but it's not that bad outside. We could go kiss in the rain." I pouted slightly and Josh started laughing at me.

"That's what you're thinking?" He teased, "Sweets this isn't a Nickolas Sparks novel." (That's cause it's a fanfic silly.)

I huffed, "Don't make fun of me, the coast is just always nice when it's raining." I took my empty coffee cup to the sink and went to go shower.

"Look if you want to go to the beach I'll take you I just figured you'd want to go when it was nicer out." Josh stopped me at the doorway of the bathroom, "don't shut me out by leaving the room, it's not fair. We can talk about this, it's not a big deal."

"No it's fine we can do something else it was a stupid idea anyways. What movie do you want to see?" I went into the bedroom to get some clothes.

Josh sighed, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to up-"

I interrupted, "You didn't it's fine, you don't have to be sorry, like I said it was a stupid idea. What movie do you want to see?" I repeated.

"I don't want to see a movie. I want you to be happy."

"Josh I'm fine with whatever, I don't care. Whatever you want to do." Josh let me go into the bathroom.

"I'll think of something while you're in there."

"Alright, I'll do the same." I closed the door and sighed, the last thing I wanted to do was upset Josh.

When I got out Josh was smiling, "What's up?" I said with a small grin.

"We're going to the beach, you wanna know why? I'm not gonna wait for you to ask but we're going to the beach to go kiss in the rain like it's a Nickolas Sparks movie. And because you're right it would look pretty and I want to take cute pictures of you."

"Joshua, why are you like this." I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. He kissed my forehead. (Y'all have no idea how many times I'll accidentally write me instead of my)

Josh let go of me to go shower.

I'm gonna do the beach chap next so y'all better be ready for some straight shit

Also I really want those checkered overall short thingys from hot topic

These and I am broke //: how illegal is it to have a sugar daddy lol (I'm underaged pls this is just a joke I promise) someone PayPal me lol

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These and I am broke //: how illegal is it to have a sugar daddy lol (I'm underaged pls this is just a joke I promise) someone PayPal me lol

Anyways, yesterday I saw Black Panther again and I have a good joke for you guys like like vines. (This is a ref to the Michael w a B vine)

"Hello everyone let's introduce ourselves—"
"Hi my name is Michael Jordan w a B and I've been afraid of insects my whole lif—"
"Wait stop where's the b??"
"tHeRes A BeE??!"

you get it ?? AHAHAHHA I'm so funny (I'm not someone stop me)

Anyways, any of you guys have any fun weekend plans?? I'm going to look at flowers tomorrow.

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