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I couldn't help but to continue playing with the beautiful ring on my left hand. The ring was the most beautiful piece of jewelry I would ever receive, I knew it for a fact.

The center jewel was a angelic circle, the theme for my ring probably.

Josh was still asleep, however for the last couple weeks I had been staying up late and waking up early, I felt like I was waiting for something that wasn't going to happen.

I stood up and made sure my ring was still on, it was about 7 am, I was surprised I was awake.

I got dressed and left the hotel room, for a while I just window shopped. However what caught my eye was a playground across the street. I ran across the street when it was clear, I slowed my pace to a walk and went right over to the swings.

I sat down on an empty one and looked at the nature around me.

It was almost a nostalgic feeling, like I was missing a piece of myself and I had just found it.

That was the only feeling to describe how I had felt ever since Josh popped the question.

I was so caught into my thoughts I didn't even realize Jenna was in the swings beside me.

"Hey Sara, you're up early." She commented kicking her feet up.

"I could say the same to you." I chuckled starting a small kick.

"Coffee shop." She answered catching up to my pace.

"Can I ask you something?" I questioned making eye contact with her gorgeous eyes.

"Yeah of course." She said stopping her swing.

"When Tyler proposed to you, did you have a weird feeling at all?" I asked stopping my swing as well.

"It was a feeling of almost completion. Like he was definitely going to be the guy I'd grow old with, and I was assured that now. Why? Are you having second thoughts at all?" Jenna had her head tilted nervously. The first person I had told was Jenna, I was becoming really close to her, she was like my sister.

"No, it's like that. Like I found another part of me maybe. Nostalgia?" I questioned myself.

I was deeply in love with Josh.

Jenna was right, this was a reassuring feeling, a feeling of completion.

Josh was my other half.

ok whoever it was that did those things to Josh the other night, wtf.

Honestly that's messed up and I'm glad he can still trust us.

Wrong Number (Josh Dun)Where stories live. Discover now