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I woke up early again and started packing some of Sara's stuff, she had work later; however, it was her last day. After today we would pack up her whole house and have the movers to the rest, I figured the worst part for them would be the large piano against her wall.

We decided to get rid of most of her furniture, and she agreed to share my room with me meaning we got a music room too. I didn't have any kitchen supplies so she was a godsend, since I always ordered in when I was at my apartment.

Sara woke up not long after I turned on the tv and put on The Nightmare Before Christmas.

"Hey sleeping beauty." Her blue hair was messy, but she still looked so stunning, the color was so flattering on her.

"Morning." She mumbled and walked to the coffee maker.

"I already made a pot of coffee sweets, there's a mug out for you." I informed.

"Thank you babe." I heard her stir her drink together, she walked into the living room and sat down beside me.

She instantly relaxed into my side, "I missed you." She sipped her coffee slowly.

"I've been home the whole time Sweets." She chuckled.

"No I mean that I've been awake for like fifteen minutes and I missed you cause you weren't cuddling me." I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"I'm sorry lovely, I'm here now though." Sara leaned forward and set her coffee cup onto the table, she turned to me and gave me a soft-slow kiss.

"Thank god too." She said before kissing me again, she turned her whole body to face me; her hands started running through my hair.

Once she pulled away, I felt a blush creeping to my cheeks, the effect she had on me was astonishing. Sara grabbed her mug and finished her coffee, got up and put it into the sink.

The more I thought about the fact that in less than a week I could have her everyday, the more I felt giddy inside.

When she got back onto the couch I pulled her into my lap, her body was sideways, almost as if I was holding her bridal style.

"Hey guess what?" I kissed Sara's cheek and studied her smile.

"Yes?" She replied.

"I really really love you." She grinned even more.

"I really really love you too babe."

Okay so tonight was my schools homecoming and I didn't go bc 1) no one asked me and if I asked someone they'd prolly say no (there's like 300 people in my school and my school is in the middle of nowhere !!) and 2) none of my friends invited me to their groups (idk what to call them?? Hoco gang??) and I didn't want to ask anyone if I could go w them,,,, I guess what I'm saying is is that it's really sh!tty is see all your friends having a blast at a stupid school dance w/o you bc no one bothered to think about me ))): my best friend didn't even ask if I wanted to go ?? I tried to hang w her today also and she made like 473994 excuses of why she couldn't hang w me,, she's my only friend in the lil town I live in bc I live in a small ass town in the middle of nowhere and I don't have a car or my license yet, otherwise I'd prolly hang w my other bestie /:

But yeah I feel like shit, sorry about this stupid long rant I just have no one to talk to about it bc "everything is never their fault but mine" ////:

have a good weekend mans ❤️❤️

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