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"Joshua, stop being cute, how can I make pancakes when you keep distracting me?" Josh started laughing and came into the kitchen where I was, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I'm not trying to distract you Sweets, I'm just, watching tv."

"Yeah but you're cute and like, it front of me, and like cute."

"I can leave the room if you want?" Josh offered and I started laughing.

"No don't, I was just messing with you, you are really cute though. Here have some food." Josh gladly accepted the plate of chocolate chip pancakes and went back into the living room.

There was a knock at the door causing Josh to set down his plate and rush to answer it, "Hello what can I do for you?"

"I got a package for you sir, sign here?" A voice answered.

"Sweet thank you." Josh signed a device, "Wait here a second I'll go get you a tip." The man obliged and thanked Josh before he left.

Josh set a package on the counter from Hot Topic and smirked at me, "It's for you."

"I love you." I blew a kiss to Josh and he quickly caught it.

"I love you too." He left with his plate.

Hi this is really short lol I wish it was longer but I'm like packing up my whole room lol it sucks I just wanted to procrastinate

Also I keep finding traces of my ex, like lil notes she gave me and it's like killing me cause I really messed things up w her.

Like she gave me a note not too long ago asking if we could be friends again and I literally just ignored it, I'm like high key regretting it cause idk I hate having grudges and stuff

I could text her of course but why would she want to hear from me? Like I broke things off with her and I'm still in denial with that sh!t, I wasn't a good gf and that's why I broke it off... I genuinely miss her though, like I'll be listening to music and Peach by TFB will come on and trigger tf outta me cause I drew a picture for her w the lyrics of that song and idk I don't think I wanna get back together with her or something but maybe just fix things between us? She wanted to like two months ago and I literally just ignored her??? I miss her a lot

But yeah she used to give me the sweetest sticky notes everyday and it would say something nice like a quote or something that reminded her of me, and like we dated for like almost 6 months and not long before I broke it off she told me she loved me. I'm a real piece of shit.

Anyone wanna give me any advice ??

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