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I groaned loudly, I hated the feeling of being sick. I was laying on the couch in Josh and I's apartment.

"Sweets I already gave you medicine, I can make you some soup if you want?" Josh sat beside my legs, rubbing circles on my thigh.

"No thank you, but what about, I don't know maybe you can cuddle me?" Joshua blushed and smiled.

"Of course, you want to go in our room or stay out here." I agreed to going to our room.

When I was about to get up, Josh scooped me up in his arms, "Wow my big strong man I love you."

"How out of it are you currently?" Josh questioned and tried to stifle a laugh.

"What do you mean? I'm fine. I'm just drowsy.." Josh set me down and walked to the other side of the bed.

"Yeah? I'd hope so, I gave you night time meds. It's better than staying awake and being miserable right?" He helped me get comfortable under the blankets before wrapping his arms around me.

"Mmhmm, you're warm. Thank you for being what's best for me. You smell good, like really good, well you always do but you get my point right?"

"Baby you need to go to bed." Josh chuckled.

"How can I sleep when you're here in front of me Josh? You're all I ever needed and ever will need." I shut my eyes and felt immense tiredness.

"That's always nice to hear baby girl. I feel the same way about you." Josh kissed my forehead and I fell asleep.


When I woke up, Josh wasn't there. I whimpered at the feeling of my head throbbing with pain. I rolled out of bed and made my way into the bathroom to find some painkillers.

"Sweets let me help you, go sit down." I did as I was told and sat down on the couch while Josh fetched some cold medication.

Josh went into the kitchen and got a small bottle of water for me, "Joshua why do you have such small bottles of water?"

"Because I do." Josh smiled and sat beside me, "Take these." Josh poured two pills into my hand.

I swallowed both pills and leaned my head on Josh's shoulder, "I love you very much. I have no idea how gross I look currently, but considering I didn't get to shower this morning I can only imagine."

Josh laughed loudly, "I mean you always look beautiful to me baby, so I don't know. I also happen to love you very much. Are you hungry? I went to the store and got some soup."

"A little yes, also if I weren't sick I would kiss you but I don't want to kill you." Josh nodded and went to the kitchen.

"Want something to drink?" He questioned.

"Yes please, do we still have Dr. Pepper?"

"If you're asking if I drank all your soda the answer is no." Joshua came back to the couch and handed me a drink.

"Thank you handsome, you're the best."

"Only for you baby."


I hate being single and I want death cause I can't do long distance stuff but no one in person wOULD DATE ME SOOOO

also being gay makes it like 4628937483 times harder

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