Movie Night

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"Jake?" Sara knocked on her teenage son's door.

"Uhh one sec." he said hesitantly, the boy shuffled items in his room before opening the door. "Yeah Mom?" His dark eyes met light gray-blue.

"You have a special boy at the door." The short woman informed her son.

Jake's cheeks flushed, "Thank you." He kissed his mothers cheek and ran quickly down the stairs.

"Hey don't run, you'll fall down those stairs!" The boy's father yelled as he passed by him.

Jake was 17 now, his younger sister only 11. And both parents couldn't be any prouder of both of them.

Josh wrapped his arms around his wife Sara, "I take that as Jake is going to his boyfriends?" Sara reached up giving him a kiss, and ruffled his bright-yellow hair.

"Yeah, and Debs is at her friends house." Josh smirked.

"You know what that means?" Josh was smiling as Jake ran past the couple.

"Stop the pda! Also can I spend the night at Nate's?" He grabbed his duffle bag.

"Yeah, be safe." Josh told his son.


"So what movie are we gonna watch?" Sara asked once Jake left.

"Can we watch Star Wars? Like all of them?" Josh held up a box full of all movies.

"Yeah I'll make the popcorn." Sara replied, getting up, Josh stopped his wife by wrapping his arms around her waist.

"I love you." He kissed the back of her neck.

"Not as much as I love you." Sara answered with a giggle.

Josh released the small frame of his wife and let her go into the kitchen while he began to set up the movie. Josh could hear the woman put popcorn into the microwave, and moments later the popping.

Josh skipped each of the commercials, and playing the movie, Sara came right back and set the bowl onto the coffee table, snuggling into Josh's side.

She reached up carefully and kissed his cheek softly, "You look cute in the light." A genuine smile appeared on her face.

"You should see my view." Josh grinned happily, staring right back into Sara's eyes.

"My fricking gosh I love you." She held both of his cheeks in her hands and kissed him softly.

"My fricking gosh I love you too." Josh replied as the movie started, the couple redirecting their focus on the tv screen.


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