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Syrup ❤️: Have a safe flight and text me when you can, I love you ❤️

I just realized how stupid it was of me to waste the whole day begging Sara to come with me. I loved her, she deserved to know.

My plane landed, and I had a car waiting for me. I pulled out my phone and dialed her number, she didn't answer. Even though I called over five times, I wasn't worried. I was in a different time zone, she was probably sleeping or at work.

I got in the car and let the man drive while I texted Sara.

Me: Hey Syrup, text me when you can, I assume you're at work or something and that's why you didn't answer my calls, I love you ❤️

I sighed as the man continued to drive me to wherever I was meeting up with the crew.


Wrong Number (Josh Dun)Where stories live. Discover now