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3rd Person POV (;

Josh drove himself and Sara home, music softly playing in the car. The couple's cheeks were rosy from the cold, and Sara was singing quietly to the music.

Josh turned the music up, trying to get Sara to sing louder, he started singing along to the Blink-182 song playing loudly facing Sara, she giggled and playfully smacked his hand. Sara joined him on the chorus.

Joshua pulled over at the same rest stop as earlier, "Lets go get something to drink, I need to go to the bathroom." They both got hot chocolate to warm themselves up, and Josh got two energy drinks.

"Wait for me in the car." He handed Sara the keys and left for the bathroom.

Sara sat in the car playing on her phone, she was going through the pictures she took with Josh that day with a smile, deciding which ones to post on her social media's. Josh came back into the car, "What are you doing angel?" He asked.

"Deciding what pictures to post on Instagram," she replied.

"You should post all of them, I'm the greatest photographer ever, and I took a lot of cute pictures of you. I deserve recognition." Josh said sarcastically.

"Does a kiss work for recognition?" Sara shot back with a smirk.

"Always." The two leaned into the center console and kissed slowly.


Once home, Josh and Sara walked hand in hand to their apartment. Inside, the two decided to order take-out and watch Netflix together. (Don't you even DARE be gross. This may be chapter 69 but) (wait should I??) [please comment below if y'all fellow sickies want some smut] (even saying the word makes me feel icky.)

Sorry this chapter was really short but it's almost the end of my junior year and I'm freaking out bc America is weird and I'm not even 18 and somehow need to have the rest of my life planned out wtf is going on. For anyone wondering, junior year of (North American) high school SUCKS. Please do not push yourself too much this year like I did. I've never gotten into how bad this school year has been for my entire school and myself, and I don't think I ever will to you guys. This is kinda a rant but I wish I could talk about what happened but I feel like it would kinda tell more about who I am which is something I really don't want to do bc I'm like almost a senior in high school and writing tøp sh!t ,,,, idk

Anyways we're reading/watching Hamlet in my English 101 class and today I go "Hamlet dies in Infinity War" and my friends like "Horatio I don't wanna go!!" And I cried

Have a good day I love you and support you

~Mel 💜

~Mel 💜

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