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i m probably gonna end this sooner than 100 idk (read authors note for more info)
"So tell me what's up?" Josh pulled me closer, his soothing voice calming my fears.

I told Josh how I'd been dreaming of past events, how Jai was haunting my memories, just my past creeping in.

Josh understood, obviously he was sympathetic, and he promised he'd fix me.

And so he did, over a months amount of time.

I rarely had any bad dreams after that. Josh was my best friend, sorry Tyler, and my fiancé, and he was going to be my longtime partner.

Josh and I had become even closer as well, we were never really apart, and when we were, we both thought about how the other was doing.


"Josh! Tyler! That show was amazing!" Me and Jenna brought Josh and Tyler into a group hug.

Afterwards, Josh and I went back into their tour bus, talking everything up.

"Hey Sara, I was wondering something." Josh started.

"Yeah Jishiwa?" I answered giving his hand a squeeze.

"When do you want our wedding to be? I think about it al the time, but I haven't said much." Josh watched me while I thought, I didn't care when is marry Josh, is was more of the matter that I would marry him.

"Anytime honestly." I replied kissing his cheek.

"What about next month?" He offered, my cheeks flushed and my stomach filled with butterflies.

"Sure." I responded.


You guys, this book has over 4000 reads, and it's become part of me(weird bc it's a fanfic don't judge me pls) anyway, it just feels awkward dragging it out for another like 20 chapters, and I don't have the time to keep updating it bc I keep writing more fanfics.

So I'll end it within the next couple of chapters probably, there isn't gonna be a sequel bc why??? Idk but yeah.

I'm writing a joshler fic (3 to be exact) if ur interested.

thanks guys i love you all so much

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