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[like legit rip Josh povs]
Josh pulled away for a moment and studied me, I wasn't sure if it was because he didn't believe me or maybe he didn't feel the same way anymore?


"Yeah." I replied causing him to blush and smile, and hugged for extra tight before letting me go.

"We're going out to eat after this." He smiled and kissed the side of my head before running to the bathroom. I shook my head with a smile on my face, I began to put away the groceries Josh brought home.


"Where are we going?" I asked climbing into Josh's rental car.

"Shh it's a surprise."

"Are we going to Taco Bell?"

"No, I'm taking us to a nicer place."

"Why Josh, you know I'm not picky."

"Because I want you to be around a fancier place than a fast food restaurant."

"It's not about food, or atmosphere, it's when I'm with you that makes places like Taco Bell special." I say out loud, regretting it the moment it comes out of my mouth. My face turns bright red, I didn't realize how deep it would've sounded.

"Well that's sweet." He smiled.



Wrong Number (Josh Dun)Where stories live. Discover now