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I was finally picking Josh off at the airport, even though technically we'd be riding in his rental car, so I guess I wasn't picking him up. I bounced anxiously on different parts of my feet while it was announced the passengers would be coming out any second.

When the door opened and people started walking out, my heart rate picked up. I was so excited to see my boy, once I saw his red hair and smile peak out of the door I couldn't help myself but to practically run to him.

Josh picked me up in his arms, "Hey baby." His familiar voice spoke softly and tiredly.

"Did you just wake up or something? You sound sleepy." I kissed his cheek and studied his drowsy features.

"Yes, I slept the whole flight because I knew that if I was sleeping it would be a shorter trip and the sooner I'd see you." I felt a smile slip onto my face even more, and my cheeks turned red.

"Shush, come on let's go get your car." I intwined our fingers together and led him to the bus station.

"Wait let's get coffee real quick so I can wake up and focus on you more." Josh dragged me into a Starbucks and insisted on ordering me a fancy coffee drink that tasted like heaven, once we got to the car rental, I had finished it.

Josh rented a small car, I rode shotgun, his right hand in mine.

"How was performing?" I broke the silence.

"It was awesome, but it would've been even better if you were with me. You have no idea how bad it hurts to be away from you." Josh pulled my hands to his lips and placed a soft kiss on my knuckles.

"Babe, try being away from you and then scrolling through Instagram and seeing loads of pictures of you from the concert you just smashed. Every time I'm like wow I can't believe that's mine and all these people are talking about how hot you are and I can only sit there and agree." I chuckled softly.

"Sweets, how about you just go with my everytime then." Josh frowned a little bit, "I promise that I'll take care of you, I'll treat you like the beautiful queen you are. You won't even have to work or anything, you can live with me and everything." I sighed softly, I wanted to give in right away.

"I'm leaning more and more every second towards yes, I just think it's so soon in our relationship, most normal couples wait years until they move in together." I bit at my lil anxiously, worried Josh wouldn't like my opinion on the matter.

"Sara we're not a normal couple remember? The first ever inter-galactic-racial couple. We don't follow societies standards. In fact, normal isn't even a word to us." I started laughing with Josh.

"You're the best, you know why?" I asked.

"Why?" Josh was pulling into my apartments parking lot.

"Not only do you respect me, and my wishes and the way I feel, but you also never pressure me. Granted you do beg a lot, but it's kinda cute." I met Josh's eyes, leaned in and gave him a soft kiss, one that both of us had been waiting for.


Once inside, both of us had managed to get into our pajamas and cuddle in my bed, just talking.

"What was the most exciting thing you did when I was gone?" Josh questioned.

"Well, seeing as you're my only friend and my boyfriend, probably talk to you and FaceTime you every night." I confessed.

"You know, as sad as that sounds, you're the cutest little thing in the whole universe. And trust me I've seen it all, since I'm not from around here."

I rolled my eyes and started laughing again, "Frick I really love you." I started kissing Josh again, and I was completely comfortable.

Joshua made me feel safe and happy, he made me laugh, confident, and I wanted to stay with him like that forever.

"Joshy, I've decided. I'll move in with you." I started bitting my lip again, tasting a little bit of blood.

"You will? Like for real?" Josh's face lit up, he rolled on top of me and started kissing me face all over.

I let out a small squeak and tried pushing him off "Josh!! Stop that tickles!"

Josh rolled off, "Baby I can't help it you make me so happy, I'm so in love, come here now." I sat up and looked at Josh who did the same.

This time Josh went in first and started to deeply kiss me, his strong arms pulled me in closer, I found my hands running through his hair.

In between kisses, Josh kept telling me he loved me and kept saying pet names. I pulled away after a couple minutes.

"I love you." I rubbed my thumb across his lips.

"And I love you baby girl. Now let's talk on moving plans?"

idk where this is going just bare w me
I'm hungry

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