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Sara went to bed after forgiving me. In person she was quieter, but I don't blame her one bit. I mean, not only did I neglect to tell her who I really was, but also I kinda let her confess things about myself, her not knowing she was telling me to my face. Rough first visit, I know.

Tomorrow would suck, I had to leave and go to the next city, I was hoping I could convince Sara to go with me.

I had a hard time sleeping when Sara was just in the other room, I wanted to tell her I liked her, I wanted her to be my girlfriend.

I grabbed my phone, I was half-asleep. It was around six am when I sent it.

Me: hey Sara

Sara: y r u texting me when ur in the other room Jish.

Me: becaus I don't know how to use my vocal cords and say it

Sara: what am I 3scary5u?

Me: i like u

I fell asleep.


"Josh.. Josh wake up." I felt shaking. I rolled over and rubbed my tired eyes.

"Mom just five more minutes..." I begged. A small giggle came into my earshot. I opened my eyes and Sara stood in front of me. She was wearing a Twenty One Pilots sweater shirt and black running shorts.

"You hungry?" She asked politely.

"Let's go get Taco Bell.." I groaned and sat up. She shook her head, her head flew back while she laughed. Sara was adorable, and her personality was perfect. She made me laugh when I didn't even feel like smiling, and each time she smiled I felt like faith in humanity was restored.

"Josh tacos aren't breakfast."

"Anything is breakfast."

"Fine, let me get dressed then."

"Ugh please tell me you don't have to put a bunch of makeup on."

"I already did my makeup." She laughed

I studied her for a moment. Her eyes were a light blueish color, and her hair was dyed a silver or light gray color. She was pale, short, wore a bunch of dark clothing, and always seemed to have a small smile.

"I didn't know." I said with a faint smile.

"Makeup is the only thing that makes me even the slightest bit okay looking." She said and went to walk away. (Wow I'm edgy)

"Excuse me?" I said and grabbed her small shoulders. I turned her around to face me, "Sara, you're absolutely gorgeous, and I mean it." I said sincerely. She looked down and seemed like she didn't believe me.

"I'm gonna go get ready." She mumbled and shrugged out of my grasp, walking away leaving the room quiet and awkward.


Wrong Number (Josh Dun)Where stories live. Discover now