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Hope you guys don't mind I'm changing my name from @blxrrylands to something else, but yes this is still me !

Josh and I ended up taking several photos together, it was actually really hard due to the fact it was us trying to get candids. (An actual struggle y'all)

Josh posted a couple on his Instagram and I posted to mine, afterwards we got changed and went to bed, Josh pulled me closer to him.

"Hey Sweets, I love you and you're beautiful, I can't believe I ever got so lucky for you to be mine."

"Hush up you're making me blush, I love you too."


I woke up early the next morning, Josh was still in a deep sleep state. I smiled and texted him that I was going out for a little while so he wouldn't worry about me.

If I were to be honest, I needed a little bit of mental space for a little while, and I didn't want to worry Josh at all. So I was gonna go to the mall and look for something to do.

I sat in the food court after buying a coffee, I felt weird sitting there all alone, after being alone for years it was strange to feel lonely. I was used to be around Josh all the time that being lonely seemed foreign.

I left the mall quickly and decided to just walk around, I was sure I would find something to do, but I didn't. Josh would've easily been able to come up with something to do, he always did. But now while I walked through the unfamiliar street I felt frustrated that I couldn't have fun with myself anymore.

Joshy 💜: Alright sweets, what time will you be home? We've been planning our date for a couple days now, I just don't want to miss it

Me: I'll be there in like 15-30 minutes

Joshy 💜: Sounds good, doing anything fun?

I didn't respond to his message right away, I wanted to say I was doing something fun but I didn't want to lie.

When I got home I threw my coffee cup away, I heard the bedroom door open.

"Hey! There she is!" Josh opened his arms for a hug which I accepted right away.

"Hi, how'd you sleep?" I tried to quickly cover up the fact I was upset.

"What's wrong?" Josh asked, he lead me over to the couch.

"Nothing I'm just tired is all, you didn't answer my question," Josh shook his head.

"You didn't answer mine. I'm not gonna push you to say anything, if you want to cancel our date we can, I'm not sure what's going on but I don't want to take you anywhere when you're upset, especially when it's probably that you're mad at me," He replied.

"I'm not mad at you. We don't have to cancel anything, like I said I'm just tired," Josh sighed.

"Alright, we can put it off until tomorrow or something." I grabbed Josh's sleeve as he went to walk out of the room.

"We don't have to delay it Josh, let's go have fun, you said you were excited to surprise me so let's go," he shook his head.

"It can wait." He snapped.

"Josh," I paused and waited to get his attention, "I probably just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, please, we don't have to cancel anything. Plus I think it'd be a good idea to go out and have fun."

"Alright if you want, we'll leave in about an hour or so, I have to go get ready." I reached over and kissed his cheek.

"Alright babe I'll be here."

When Josh left the room a sigh left my lips, of course I ruined another perfect moment.

Okay sorry this is lowkey depressing af lol
I've been stressed for a little bit bc of finals but my English 101 final is over, the rest are this week.

oh and I'm thinking about starting another account on wattpad for stories I'm writing that aren't ships? What do y'all think ?


Love you guys !!!

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