double date

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"Mom, Dad, Theo and I wanted to ask you guys to come with us on a date, like a double date." Jake stared down at his sock clad feet nervously.

"Of course we will!" Sara was way too excited, and quick to answer.

"Really?" Jake looked up with a bright grin, the boy with his father's eyes fist bumped the air.

"When do you plan on this?" Josh was flashing his all-too-lovely grin.

"Tomorrow at eight?" Jake proposed.

"Alright, Karen is going to her friends house tomorrow, so that works great." Sara leaned back against her husband, his focus on the tv screen in front of him.

Jake got up to go spread the news to his boyfriend, the stairs thudding with the quick and harsh steps he took.

"Well, this'll be interesting." Josh kissed Sara's cheek, a faint smile on his face.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sara questioned, Karen was in the kitchen listening to the conversation taking place.

"Nothing bad, it's just Jake has never really had Theo over, I'm just excited to meet the kid." Josh ran his hand through the girls hair, faded pink, while Josh's hair adorned a bright yellow.

Karen referred to the couple as Spongebob and Patrick.


"What type of clothing should I wear?" Josh was talking to Jake who was buttoning up his nice shirt.

"Semi-formal." He replied, Sara was busy trying to find her own outfit.

Josh came back into the bedroom, shutting the door behind him, "What'er you looking for?" Josh asked softly, pressing a kiss on the back of her neck.

"Where's my burgundy dress?" The short girl mumbled, causing Josh to chuckle.

"Right here." He reached up and handed the girl the almost maroon dress.

She smiled at him, "I swear I'd lose my own head without you." She pressed a kiss to his lips and went about putting her dress on.

"What should I wear?" Josh groaned, looking into his dresser drawer of fancier attire.

"Gray button-up, dark jeans, dark shoes." Sara was in her dress quickly, Josh's lips curling into a grin.

"Look at you, beautiful as always." He placed a soft kiss on her forehead, her cheeks turning pink.

"Shut up and get dressed, Joshypoo." He playfully frowned and grabbed his shirt.

"Whatever, Syrup." A knock sounded at the door.

"Yes?" Sara shouted loud enough for the person at the other end of the door to hear.

"Are you guys almost ready? We gotta get going." Jake sounded nervous.

"Yeah we'll be down in just a second, I promise." Josh replied, steps going quickly down the stairs again.

"That boy is gonna fall down those stairs if he keeps going that fast." Sara shook her head laughing.

"True." Josh replied, fixing his collar.

"You look handsome." Sara kissed the side of his neck.

"¡Yo soy guapo!" Josh hollered before stepping out of the room and heading down the stairs just as fast as Jake.

"Goodness, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Sara muttered with a giggle.


"Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend Theo." Josh shook the boy's hand first, and smiled politely.

"So this is the Theo that Jake never shuts up about." Jake's cheeks flushed bright red.

"Really? Sounds about right." Theo smiled, he had light-blue eyes and a tan complexion.

"And you must be Mrs. Dun!" Theo looked excited to meet Sara.

Sara smiled and hugged the tall boy instead of a hand shake.

"Please, call me Sara!" Theo giggled.

"You're dress is lovely, it matches your hair quite well, and Josh's shirt." Jake chuckled.

"Bub, don't get too excited about it." Jake grabbed his boyfriend's chair and held it out for him, Josh doing the same for Sara.

"So, when did you guys meet?" Josh started conversation while the two couples waited for a waiter. (Kinda ironic)

"Well I just moved here from New York, my parents are divorced and I decided I'd rather stay with my dad, and Jake helped me around school. I asked him out two months ago." Theo smiled, he was stroking Jakes hand with his thumb.

"Two months? I thought it's only been a month?" Sara looked to Jake, who had a shy blush.

"I was keeping it low key." Jake chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I understand, me and your mother were dating for months before I announced it on social media." Josh spoke once a waiter arrived.


"So that was nice, it was really nice to meet you Theo, you're welcome at our home anytime." Josh patted the boy's shoulder, a bright grin on both of their faces.

"Thank you sir, it was amazing to meet you both." He hugged the couple in a large group.

"Is it cool if I stay at Theo's?" Jake said shyly.

"Of course you can, bye boys, be home by three." Sara replied, giving her son a hug.

The couple went inside and went straight to bed, both proud parents of an amazing son.


I have solo ensemble tomorrow pray for me

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