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Sara and I have been talking for a couple weeks, she's really cool and I'm glad I dialed wrong number.

She's 25 and she lives alone in Seattle, I'm not sure what she looks like but she's so funny.

I pull out my cell phone and begin to text her, I was hoping sure wasn't at work.

Me: hey Syrup

Sara: wat the fook u jus call me???

Me: fight me in irl

Sara: come at me bro

Me: brother zonin me?? Ouch

Sara: u don't even know what I look like?? (Ur pretty lucky for that tbh)

Me: send me a pic of you

Sara: nO

Me: plsplsplsplsplsplspls

Sara: send me 1 of you first

Me: I have to go bye

I put my phone on the charger and sat down on my hotel bed. My phone buzzed a few times but I didn't bother picking it up.

Someone knocked on my door, I opened it to reveal Tyler standing in front of me.

"Hey man." He said with a small smile.

"Hey dude." I mumbled, I wasn't in the mood. Sara made me nervous and I was scared to tell her I was actually Josh Dun.

"What's wrong Jish?" Tyler said with that weird nickname that sounded like a typo.

I let him in my room and showed him all my messages between Sara.

"Dude you need to tell her." Tyler said setting my phone down.

"I know Ty, I just don't know how.. I kinda like her.." I half whispered. Tyler gave me good advice but I wasn't sure if I could tell Sara anytime soon.

I didn't want her to treat me differently because I was Josh Dun, and she was a fan. She was so nice and I loved talking to her, and I didn't want to stop talking to her anytime soon.

Hola mis amigos

Wrong Number (Josh Dun)Where stories live. Discover now