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I quickly ran to my room and shut the door, I quickly changed into something. I put on a shirt with an alien on it in a ufo, it read 'I'm going back to my home planet' I actually considered the shirt something I'd wear if I ever met Josh in person, but since it kinda already happened..

Then I out on some black skinny jeans with rips on the knees, and a light vintage jean jacket. I brushed my hair and walked out of my room, Josh was looking at my mantle pieces with old pictures on it. He then turned and looked at my piano, I was sure he recognized it from our video calls.

"Ahem." I fake coughed. He turned around embarrassed.

"Sorry I was just.. It was crooked.." He said standing awkwardly.

I laughed for a short moment, "Ready Jish?" I said teasing him.

"Yeah syrup, I am." He said teasing me back. I never actually knew why he called me that. We left my apartment, "Do you have a car?" He asked.

I shook my head, "No I'm currently saving up for one." He stopped me for a moment.

"I'll buy you one." He offered.

"No Josh, cars are expensive."

"I can afford it."

"Josh I'm serious, no." I said with a small laugh.

"Okay if you're so buggy about car prices, I'll get you a used one. Those are cheap."

"Josh, please don't." I begged, I for one did not like people buying stuff for me, and two IT WAS A CAR!

He shook his head, "I'm going to anyway, just so you know." He then continued walking but stopped again, "Where's the Taco Bell around here?" He asked.
Josh ordered for both of us, we went and sat down at a secluded table.

"Syrup, that shirt rocks." He said gesturing to the alien. "I'd ask to borrow it, but your size is probably too small." He laughed. I wasn't sure if I should've taken that as a compliment or not so I just laughed with him. 

After we ate we started walking back to my house, it was probably only noon.

"Sara, can I ask you something?" Josh threw those words out and it scared me, I mean does anyone like hearing that sentence?

"Um yeah, what is it?" I turned and faced him as we walked.

"I have to leave soon, I'm sure you're aware.." He paused for a short moment and stopped us in the apartment lobby. "I want you to come with me, you can pack your suitcase and quit your job, I can cover all of your expenses." He said, he must've really thought about this..

"Josh.. I can't do that.. Not yet.." I tried to avoid his eyes.

"Sara" he said taking my hands, my face flushed. "I like you."


Wrong Number (Josh Dun)Where stories live. Discover now