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I watched from the front row, Tyler and Josh were amazing live, and I couldn't have asked for any better way to spend my night.

When we got back to the hotel room, Josh took off his right away, and took his shorts into the bathroom. I went to my suitcase and grabbed my pajamas and waited for Josh to come out. When he got out I went in, I quickly got dressed and took off my makeup, I had a small amount of new confidence, not much of course though. I brushed my teeth and came out shortly after. Josh was already under the covers, I nervously climbed into the opposite side and turned away from him.

Josh turned over, "Oh so I don't get to see your pretty face?" I heard his fake pout.

"No I'm too tired to move, and I feel gross and therefore look gross."

"Sara I don't bite.. Unless you do first." He said with a smirk. A chill ran down my spine, Josh frowned. "I was kidding. If you're uncomfortable, I can just stay on my side." He offered. I nodded, he pulled the blankets up for me and let me get situated before turning off his lamp. "Ugh this is tempting." Josh said making me turn around.

"What is."

"Cuddling you."

I blushed hard and looked away.

"Okay but Sara, you look cute when you blush."

I blushed harder and turned away.

"Noo face me I want to see your pretty face."

I turned and faced Josh, his smile grew. I cocked my head and studied him carefully. I was cupping his left side of his face, I carefully rubbed my thumb over his lips. I looked back up into his eyes, but his were looking at my lips. I got nervous so I went and kissed his nose.

"You're adorable." I admired him. His tattooed arm wrapped around my back and pulled me closer. I then took my arm and started to trace his tattoos.

"You look cute when you're focusing." Josh whispered and kissed my cheek.


"Yeah Sara?"

"Is it okay if I kiss you?"

"I'd love that."

I brought my lips over to his, I was hovering above him and stopped. I backed away, "Fuck sorry I panicked." I cursed.

Josh maneuvered me on my back and hovered above me staring right at my lips. "I forgive you Sara." Was the only thing he said before he brought his lips down and moved them in sync with mine. I had my eyes shut, Josh pulled away shortly. He lied down on his back and invited me onto his chest. I rested against him, I could hear his heartbeat and fell asleep fast.

Let's just say it might've, just maybe, possibly been the best sleep I've gotten in years.


Idk if I'm proud of this or not.?.?.??.?.?.??¿...

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