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The bus was cramped.

Tyler and Josh were talking, and I was seated across from Tyler's wife Jenna. Jenna was much prettier than me, and she had a better personality. And each time Tyler looked at her, I died inside. I don't ever imagine Josh looking at me like that. (Wow edge)

It was getting late so everyone was sleeping in their bunks, I would be too, that is if I could sleep. I felt sick. I was scared to death and had no idea where we were going. I kept reassuring myself everything was okay, I was acting like I was kidnapped.

"You're still awake?" Josh said scaring me from behind. I was a shivering mess and I didn't take off my makeup so I probably looked worse.

"Yeah." I whispered.

"Can't sleep?" He asked rubbing his eyes, which he seemed to do when he was tired. I shook my head, "Why not?"

"I'm not sure."

"Do you want me to tuck you in?" He said reminding me of the way my mom and dad treated my sister.

I looked up at him and stood up from the booth I was in. I wrapped my arms around his waist, while he had his around my back. We stood like that for a long time, Josh began to rock us back and forth until I was getting sleepy. I let go of him and held his hand, walking back to my bunk. I actually really wanted to cuddle him, although I wouldn't say anything of the sort. I climbed into the small indent in the wall, Josh took my blanket and pulled it up to my chin.

"Thanks Jish." I mumbled sleepily.

"No problem Syrup." He whispered back to me, he placed a kiss on my forehead and closed my shades.
"Wakey wakey eggs and bakey" was the first thing I woke up to. I opened my eyes, Tyler stood in front of me, I smelt food and peeled my blankets off of me.

"Where's Josh?" I said in a sleepy mumble.

"I'm right here," he said holding my suitcase.

"Why do you have my suitcase?" I mumbled again.

"We're going up to the hotel room. Follow me."

I followed Josh into the building, I was still in my pajamas but it wasn't like anyone would say anything, especially considering Josh was too.

We finally got to the room and I jumped into the bed to go back to sleep.

"Someone's tired." Josh laughed.

"Someone also needs some more sleep." I said shutting my eyes. Josh climbed into the bed beside me.

"Same here Syrup." He paused. "Also your sleepy voice is cute."

I felt myself blush, and I was facing him too. I got up and went into the bathroom, I stared in horror when I saw how bad my makeup was smeared. I took the makeup remover wipes and got it all off, I was about to reapply it until I realized my makeup bag was in my suitcase. I crept out of the bathroom, Josh looked directly at me and guaranteed saw me without it.

I cursed under my breath and covered my face.

"Don't look." I said.

"Why you look cute."

I bursted out laughing, and if I wasn't so insecure about my face, I wouldn't still be covering it.

"No really Sara." Josh said getting off the bed and walking to me.

"Josh.. Don't.."

He grabbed my hands and tried to pull them away from my face. I spun around and tried to get him away, but he still had my hands. Josh had my hands pinned behind my back and had his arms around my waist.

"Stop struggling." He demanded.



"What." I said feeling a lump in my throat.

"Stop." He ordered me.

"Fine, but you won't like me when you see me." I said already knowing he would like me after this 'bold' move.

I let him turn me around, I didn't make eye contact or even look in his direction but I knew he was studying me closely.

"Sorry." I said bitterly.

"For what? Being so fricken gorgeous?" He said and kissed my cheek.

"What?!" I said looking right at him. "What do you even see in me?!" I whisper-shouted, I could feel a lump in my throat, threatening glassy eyes.

"I see everything I've ever wanted Sara." Josh said calmly.

Tears pricked at my eyes. "Josh?" My voice cracked.

"Yeah Sara?"

"Do you mean that? Like actually?"

"Why would I say that if I didn't mean it?"

"People say things they don't mean all the time." My cold truth hitting too close to home.
(Flashback bc yeah)

"Sara, I love you."
"Aww baby I love you too!" Saras voice was bright and radiant.

Jai had been taking care of Sara for years now, he'd finally convinced her to be his girlfriend, which was a mistake on Sara's part.

For Jai had a record of girlfriends that he left after wooing them into bad things.

Sara only thought she was different to him because they'd been best friends for years, and Jai would never do anything to hurt her.

But to Jai, Sara was a finally ripe fruit that he wanted badly for his own twisted needs.

And when he didn't receive her for his twisted needs, he became bitter and angry, it had turned into a pressuring game to Jai. "Just wait for her to crack." And when that didn't work, there was the physical abuse, a punch and slap here and there.

Until one day it got so bad Sara barely got away, she took nothing, and only left. Her parents satisfied and Jai only moving on to the next girl.

Now kiddies, let's keep in mind that because of such a rough past, Sara is mentally unstable, and therefore runs away from her problems and what happens to her. PLEASE REMEMBER THIS BEFORE COMMENTING MEAN THINGS!

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