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Bliss, happiness, and all things good.

For the past two weeks, it was all I felt. I was walking on sunshine, and it sure as heck felt great.

I was getting married to the girl of my dreams, my career was going good, our fans liked Sara, and overall, everything just had a great outlook.

Sara went out with my mom and Jenna to go find a dress, I wondered how they were doing, but sure enough they all came back excitedly.

"Hey! How'd it go?" I asked standing up immediately and running over to Sara.

"Good." She answered giving me a sweet kiss on the lips.

"Actually great." My mom replied flashing a smile to us. "Sara has an absolutely beautiful dress that looks gorgeous on her." She finished.

"Thanks! I wouldn't have found it if it weren't for you guys!" She smiled, Sara had been really happy over the past weeks, I was beginning to think she was growing out of her depression.

I knew it wouldn't go away, there would still be some there no matter what. But I wanted to make it as small as I could, and I was starting to think it was working.

"Well I should probably head off, give you two some alone time." My mom winked and left without a goodbye.

"I'm so excited to see you in your wedding dress, you're gonna look so beautiful." I stroked her hair and eyed her.

"I'm excited to see you dress nicely, you look adorable in suits let's be real." Sara smirked and looked up to me with her grayish bluish eyes.

"You're gorgeous." I spoke in a soothing voice.

"You're handsome." Sara responded.

"Wanna go cuddle?" I suggested, praying Sara would want to.

"Heck yeah."


We cuddled for hours, watched tv, and ordered food, and we got in a small fight when the guy came, like who was gonna go answer it.

This girl, I loved her with all my heart.

And I always would.


yes i double updated fite me (: 💕

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