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"Good morning!" Josh mused shaking me.

"No cancel the day. Lets just sleep and cuddle please..." I mumbled tiredly.

"As fun as that sounds, we have stuff to do baby girl." Josh replied causing me to blush uncontrollably from the nickname. It always made me weak.

"What do we have to do?" I asked rubbing my tired eyes.

"Well, it's a surprise. You love me right?" Josh questioned.

"Of course I do, more than anything, why? Do I not make it obvious enough I'm sor--" I started.

"No it's not that, my nerves are just a little frazzled." He interrupted.

"Oh okay, what's on your mind?" I pushed.

"Like I said, it's a surprise." Josh responded.

I groaned and rolled out of bed, "I'm gonna shower." I said.

"No time Sara!" Josh yelled grabbing me from behind in a big hug.

"What are you doing?" I laughed loudly when Josh began to tickle my sides. He picked me up and tossed me onto the bed. "Did you just throw me?" I challenged.

Josh climbed back over to me and hovered above me, his lips just inches away from mine.

"I love you Sara."

"I love you too, butt head." I answered going for Josh's lips.


"Why are we on the boardwalk? It's freezing!" I teased, Josh had been on edge ever since we left.

"Please just bear with me." Josh reassured. I tightened my grip on his hand and swung our arms back and forth.

"Fine, but only because you're cute." I commented. I leaned my head on Josh's shoulders as he brought me to a stop, we sat down on the edge of the dock with our feet hanging just feet away from the freezing cold water.

"Sara.." Josh started.

"Yeah babe?" I answered starting to get nervous, what if Josh was here to break up with me?

That was the thing I mostly hated about love, it either lasted forever which didn't seem possible for anyone like me, or it ended in flames and pain, causing someone like me to break even more.

"Are you interested in getting... Married at all?" Josh Shyly asked.

"Depends." I began, "On who anyway."

"What if it's with me?" Josh questioned, be grabbed my hand and pulled it onto his lap while he began to play with my fingers.

I felt my gaze fall onto Josh's beautiful face, my eyes sinking into his personality, remembering each word we said to each other, both good and bad, I thought about everything I knew about Josh.

I had fallen for him, and it took months, but it was at that very moment where I felt every emotion I've ever felt towards Josh in a blink of an eye, and I never wanted to stop feeling this way.

"That would be the greatest thing to ever happen to me Josh." I answered.


I'm probably gonna end this book around 100 chapters

Idk if I'll make a sequel bc yeah

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