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I was praying that Sara was too distracted by the sight around us to notice how nervous I really was.

I had never been this nervous in my entire life. I was sweating, shaking, butterflies that were on fire raged in my stomach, and I couldn't stop overthinking.

"Dang it's gorgeous at night. Especially in person." Sara said , staring in awe.

"Josh are you okay?" She questioned finally noticing my shaking arm, and my hand messing with my shirt, causing wrinkles on the bottom.

"Couldn't be better Syrup." I answered with a smile hiding what I was about to do.

"Good, just making sure." She replied. I used my other foot to untie my shoe, I let out a silent groan to play it off, bending down to retie it.

I positioned myself onto one knee, "Sara.." I began.

She looked at me, her eyes instantly widening.

"Will you make me the happiest man alive, and I really mean happiest..." I grabbed the box out of my pocket and opened it, showing off the diamond ring. "And be my wife?" I popped the big question, although I still expected her to say no.

"Holy crap Josh! Yes!" She shouted, I stood up quickly and opened my arms, I felt complete for once.

We sat there hugging for a long moment, I lifted her into the air and spun her around, and then brought her back down into my arms.

"I love you so much Josh." She mumbled against my neck, slightly ticking me.

"I love you too so much, it is it I love you so much too? I'm not sure, but whatever one makes more sense to you." I joked, and then I noticed she was crying. "Why are you crying?" I asked frantically.

"Happiness." She responded, and I knew she meant it, which only made me happier.

"This has to be the greatest day of my life." I whispered, and I definitely meant it.

"I couldn't agree more Josh." Sara replied.


Wrong Number (Josh Dun)Where stories live. Discover now