9.5K 409 138

lmao i remember that now i got like 6k+ thanks guys so much ily

no pov


Sara made her way to the church, of course she was nervous. That was the only feeling she could really feel, other than her excitement.

Josh was already at the church, he was in a secluded room with Tyler, he paced back and forth, while Tyler repeatedly attempted to calm his nerves.

Josh continued to tell himself that maybe Sara didn't actually like him, just as Sara told herself. Although they were both highly wrong, they were both deeply in love with each other.

Once Sara reached the church, her and the other women along side her went into the doors and into her own secluded room where they did her hair and what not.

Once the veil was on and it was time, both Josh and Sara were a mess of tangled nerves and anxiety. However when Josh watched Sara walk down the isle, the only thing he felt, was love.

On the other hand, Sara felt like she would faint at any moment, every pair of eyes were focused on her, but she only focused on Josh.

Josh was amazed at how Sara really looked, everything about her on this day, was just as perfect as when he first saw her. Josh couldn't help but to feel as happy as ever.


"You may now kiss the bride." The man said.

And with that Josh and Sara were united by law, as husband and wife.

lmao short and cheesy here frens

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