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Quick authors note: I just stumbled upon this really old screenshot from over a year ago, and I wanted to thank you all for over 1 million reads, I was ecstatic to see 950+ during that time, and now I have over a millon. I know I complain a lot about what you guys say and how I'm treated, but the feeling I have right now is different, I'm so proud of myself for this, even if it's just Wattpad and an embarrassing fanfic. My friends (irl) call me Wattpad famous (I'm not sure why) but I think all the reads are just not setting in. Thank you all (:

(Lel rip Josh povs)

I organized my whole house as quick as I could. A louder knock sounded at the door, followed by a soft "Sara?". I slowly walked to the door, red hair sat on the other side. I opened the door and stood there for a moment, I looked into Josh's eyes, how could he ever be insecure about his beautiful eyes?

"Can I come in?" His familiar voice sounded smoother in person. I nodded and moved out of his way, I shut the door behind him while he walked around my one-room apartment. "Why are your lights off?" He said with an awkward smile. He flickered on the light, he walked straight over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Hi." I said and still shook slightly.

Josh smiled at me for a moment, "Hey."

For a long time, Josh and I just sat on my couch and talked about the most random things, except we both know there was something that needed to be discussed.

"Josh, why didn't you tell me?" I sat laying back on the couch. I avoided eye contact and found Josh doing the same thing.

"I was worried you wouldn't treat me the same, or you wouldn't be yourself. Whenever people realize who i am, I'm treated differently, like I'm special, but I'm just Josh." He paused, "And you started talking about all these things you liked about me, and it wouldn't feel right.." He stopped.

"So you let me embarrass myself?" I questioned bitterly.

"Sara, I actually really liked each thing you said about me. Each of those compliments helped me get through the day." Josh confessed.

"Josh.. There were so many opportunities.." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry Sara.. I really am.."

"It's okay Josh, I guess anyway." I shut my eyes lightly.

"Sara, never say 'it's okay' or 'it's fine' you have to say I forgive you, because then the person knows not to do it again. When you say it's fine or okay, then the person thinks it's an okay thing to do and could possibly do it again." Josh said looking at me, "Tell me you forgive me.." He whispered.

I looked into his eyes again, "Joshua Dun, I forgive you."

Ya know, I have no idea where like 14-year-old me was going with this, this book is awful lmao

However I'm sure you guys made her proud with 1 million reads. Although most of your comments don't help 😂, anyway please watch what you comment bc the odds are I actually will see it and read it (:

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