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Josh woke me up early in the morning, he had to take a phone call that he didn't look happy about. I decided since it was six, we might as well get up, so I made him and I a cup of coffee.  Joshua was on the phone in the bathroom for over twenty (one) minutes, when he came out he looked aggravated.

"Good morning handsome, I made you coffee." I spoke softly, worried he might be mad at me.

"Thank you sweets, good morning." He sighed and took a sip of his coffee.

"Everything okay?" I asked, he frowned and stared out the living room window.

"Yeah. Yeah, everything's fine." I knew he was lying to me, I didn't know what it could be, he hadn't mentioned anything bad recently.

"It doesn't sound like everything's fine Josh, I won't push you to say anything or be honest. I know something's eating at you." Joshua didn't respond, he simply went and sat down on the couch and turned on the news.

I didn't press further. I put my mug of coffee in the sink and went back into bed, wishing I could magically help Josh.

He came back into bed within fifteen minutes with no expression, "hey." He mumbled.

"Hey." I replied.

Wrong Number (Josh Dun)Where stories live. Discover now