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"Are you sure he loves me?" I asked nervously. Tyler studied me for seriousness once again.

"Positive." He replied yet again.

It was Friday, and Josh was gone again. I was beginning to get nervous, he left at the same time for two nights now.

"Where do you think he is?" I questioned.

"Sara, relax its Josh we're talking about here. He wouldn't cheat on you, or do anything like that. He's probably just getting ready for something special, who knows?" Jenna commented as she walked out of the bathroom in her pajamas.

I was sitting down on their hotel room's couch, Tyler and now Jenna were sitting beside each other on the bed.

"Thanks guys, I'll leave and let you have some alone time." I offered.

"Bye Sara, if you need anything don't hesitate to call or text one of us." Tyler said.

I nodded and stood up, making a short trip to the door. Despite what Tyler and Jenna told me, I was still nervous.

I got back into my hotel room and changed into my pajamas, and then I put on one of Josh's sweatshirts, opening the balcony door. I sat down on a metal chair, pulling it in closer against the matching table.

I stared out at the city lights in awe, New York City would never fail to amaze me, it was absolutely breathtaking, especially at night.

I must've lost track of time, because before I knew it I heard the hotel door open, I peeked through the window revealing Josh. I turned around pretending I didn't notice him, although I felt my heart rate picking up as his footsteps drew closer.

"Sara what are you doing up at midnight?" He asked with a small chuckle, as he opened the door.

"I could ask you the same question." I hinted at our talk and maybe fight that was starting to foreshadow in my vision.

"I had to pick something up." He insisted quickly, he sat down in the chair across the table. He nervously looked down at his thumbs and began to fiddle with them.

"What was it." I demanded.

"Sara. We had this conversation a couple days ago, I can't tell you. It will ruin the surprise." Josh defended.

"I hate surprises." I mumbled in a grouchy tone.

"Sucks for you." He implied sarcastically.

I stood up and walked back into our room, pulling Josh's sweatshirt off and tossing it to his suitcase. I crept into the bathroom and silently brushed my teeth.

"Sara.." Josh started, he lightly knocked on the door.

"What Josh." I spoke tiredly.

"I love you very much, and i didn't do anything bad to hurt you today, or the other day. And that's a promise. It's just a present for you, but I can't give it to you yet, the other day I was purchasing it, and I just bought it today. That's all I was doing." He assured.

I rinsed my toothbrush in the sink, along with my mouth. I opened the door, revealing a nervous looking Josh.

"I love you very much too." I answered, I leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss on the nose.

Josh placed his hands on both sides of my face, holding me still. He crashed his lips onto mine passionately, but he pulled away soon after.

"Let's go to bed, yeah?" He whispered. I nodded in agreement and followed him. I fell asleep quickly in Josh's arms, and I knew I trusted him.

ha we know more than Sara

Sara pls

fiGHt mE

ok bye i wanted to update

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