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Joshua Dun stands outside my front door

I stand in front of my door, shocked. I don't know what to do. The guy I've been talking to for so long, is the guy who's in Twenty One Pilots, and I have the biggest crush on him. I've told him so many secrets, and most were about me liking him.

"Sara?" He says from outside the door.

"Leave! Now!" I yell, I'm horrified, I'm embarrassed.

"Please.." He begins to beg. "I couldn't tell you before.."

"And why not Josh! I've told you so many embarrassing things! How could you!" I holler.

"I have your tickets.." He tries to offer.

"I said leave." I say bitterly, I walk away from the door, leaving space between us.

I go into my room, tears go right down my face, I'm not going to that concert.

When I wake up, I realize I'm a mess. I knew there was makeup all over me, I guaranteed had eye bags and my face was going to be puffy once I looked in the mirror.

I go into my bathroom and clean myself up. I slip on my sweatshirt, it doesn't help when it has his band written across it. I change my sheets, and throw away used tissues scattered on my floor. I leave my room, near the door on my floor is an envelope. I pick it up off the floor, my phone is on my small coffee table. Text messages flood my notifications.

I open the envelope, my ticket and pass are in it. I throw in on the floor, my phone starts ringing.

"Hello." I say flatly.

"Sara! Hey!" The unknown voice says.

"Who's this?" I question.

"Please don't hang up, it's Tyler." He says.

My breath hitches for a moment. "Um hi.." I say, I have no idea what to say, and I'm scared.

"Look, I know the whole wait-this-is-Josh-Dun thing must be pretty weird, but can you please give him another chance? He feels so bad. He actually really likes you." He pauses. "I understand he should've told you earlier, and that's on him, but please can you?" He asks.

I sigh, "Look, I'll come to the concert. But I don't think I can trust him anymore, and I don't know if I want to. I told him so many things that now are embarrassing." I gulp hard. I'm scared to death, Tyler's a nice guy helping his friend out.

"Alright, I'm sorry about what he did, I have to go now for equipment testing, maybe I'll see you tomorrow." He concludes the phone call.


I wake up the next morning and shower. I dress in my Twenty One Pilots sweatshirt and out on some black skinny jeans. I apply makeup so I don't look like a complete mess. My eyes are puffy, and I still shake ever-so-slightly. I sigh and head out of my apartment building. The stadium is only a couple blocks away and I could easily walk there. I get there a couple hours early and wait in the long line. People dress from t-shirts with the bang logo on it, all the way to dressing just like Tyler and Josh.

I notice the security guy from yesterday walking over to me.

"Excuse me miss, you wouldn't happen to be Sara, would you?" He asks politely.

"What's my last name?" I say, I don't trust him for a moment.

"Meadows?" The man is taller than me, I recall his name being Bradley, but I'm unsure.

"Yes that's me." I say nervously.

"Well, your seat has been reserved, regards of Mr. Dun and Mr. Joseph." He smiles and I follow him into a backstage door and through a long dim lit hallway.

"Where are we going?" I ask suddenly, I see dressing room doors and begin to think I've been set up. I stop where I am.

"Shortcut." He replies flatly. I know he's lying, I start to step back but bump right into someone.

"Oh shoot I'm sorry." I sincerely say. I turn around, Tyler stands with his signature red beanie in front of me. He towers over me by several inches, I take a step back, no words come out of my mouth.

He pulls his hand out, "Nice to meet you too, I'm Tyler Joseph." He says shaking my hand.


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