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Hello trigger warning, brief mention of abuse / abusive relationships, pls keep urself safe I'll put a lil *** near it (:

I didn't sleep much after talking to Josh, each time I fell asleep it was for short amounts of time and I had a nightmare. So it wasn't surprising I decided to get up at 5:30 am and get ready.

I knew Josh was going to be busy half the day, so I wanted to make myself busy. I needed to go shopping, I needed food for another week and I wanted to get some new clothes and hair dye.

I had decided on bleaching my roots and dying my hair a baby blue. I sent Josh a good morning text and started making coffee.

Joshy 💜: Isn't it like 5 am where you are???

M: yes it is, I couldn't sleep so I decided to get up

Joshy 💜: why couldn't you sleep?

M: idk

I poured creamer and sugar into my coffee and stirred it for a little bit, my phone buzzed again.

Joshy 💜: Wdym you don't know bab

M: well I had nightmares each time I fell asleep, I'd rather not talk about it

Joshy 💜: Sweets, you don't have to talk about it I understand, but if you change your mind I'm always here ❤️

M: Thank you handsome, I still miss you )-:<

Joshy 💜: that face reminds me of a cave man who's fire went out

M: Thank u I love compliments on my flesh prison

Joshy 💜: why

M: hHAHAHAH also, I'm gonna dye my hair later whoop whoOP

Joshy 💜: frick what color

M: it's a suRPISE !!!

Joshy 💜: wtGwjwksjeb brb buying a plane ticket to you so I can see it

M: Joshua you have a concert to preform at later

Joshy 💜: heck u right :((((((

M: I'm sorry babe, but hey in like 5 days we'll be meeting up to finish packing my crap and move it to your apartment 000:

Joshy 💜: our apartment*

M: ur a goose I love u

Joshy 💜: heck yes I love you too I'll always be your goose hONK

M: /)!22938 don't honk the neighbors will hear

Joshy 💜: Good ;))) HONK

M: that sounds dirty gotta blast

Joshy 💜: blast in what way tho

M: no fuk off

Joshy 💜: fuk On ;))))))))))) ;o

M: why is this happening

Joshy 💜: the real question is, why ISNT this happening

M: o

Wrong Number (Josh Dun)Where stories live. Discover now