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"Sara" he said taking my hands, my face flushed. "I like you."

I stood for a moment, did I really just hear him right? He texted me that last night and I pretended I didn't notice, it had been a long day for both of us. Maybe he was just crazy, I had nothing to offer. My eyes were empty, my hair was fading and looked gross, my skin was pale enough to make me look dead. I wasn't pretty, and my personality was boring. What on earth did Josh see in me, he could have any other girl he wanted, so the question was why would he choose me?

"Josh.. You don't mean that do you?" I questioned even though he was probably just kidding. He sighed and continued to hold one of my hands and took me up the stairs. When we got back into my apartment, Josh sat me down on my couch and looked at me up and down for a moment.

"Sara, I really really like you.. Like after just two weeks of texting you I started to really like you." I lied back into the couch, I knew for a fact I liked Josh, I liked Josh Dun, but the Josh I got to know from text messages, I was falling in love with him.

"Josh, you said you were worried that I wouldn't treat you the same if I knew who you really were?"


"You were right, I wouldn't have. Because I liked Josh Dun, he was my celebrity crush that didn't know of my existence. The Josh Dun I texted, I-I.. I like him a lot more." I confessed.

I saw the corners of Josh's lips perk up. He came closer and wrapped his arms around me, "I like the Sara I messaged too."
Josh and I won't be making our relationship official for a while. For the past hour we had been talking about our favorite things, although I knew most of these things already about Josh.


"Yeah Jishiwa?"

"The question from earlier, you up for it?"

I sighed slowly, "No Josh.. I can't." If I were to go off with him, he'd need to win my trust fully. It's not that I didn't trust him, but we just met in person a couple days ago.

"Sara.." He begged for a moment. He wrapped his arms around my neck slowly and brought his forehead against mine. "Please.. You have no idea how hard it would be to leave you here.."

"Josh, I don't know you enough.."

"Then ask anything.."

"That's not what I meant." I implied, I went to scoot away to the other side of the couch but Josh only held me tighter.

"I don't wanna let go.."


"Yeah Syrup?"

"This isn't convincing me at all."

"I have to leave in less than two hours."

"I'm aware." I said with a sigh.

"Please?" He asked again.

"Josh, what will it take for you to stop saying that?"

"You saying yes."

I sighed for a moment, knowing fully well he wouldn't stop asking, "Other than packing my bag, what do I have to do?"


Wrong Number (Josh Dun)Where stories live. Discover now