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Sara's cute when she's trying not to be awkward. Sara's also cute in general.

We sat across from each other in a booth, I haven't been to Cheesecake Factory, so I took Sara. They have good cheesecake, and I recommend going there. (Not sponsored)

"Josh, you got a little.." She said reaching across the table with a napkin. She wiped off something on my cheek, probably the chocolate cheesecake I was eating with three different kinds of chocolate in it. Yes you heard me right three.

"Thanks cutie." I commented making her blush.

"I'm not cute." She complained with her arms crossed.

"Don't deny it."

"Josh I'm evil, not cute." She said causing me to laugh.

"I doubt you'd even kill a fly."

"They're pesky, I kill tons of them over the summer." She bragged. I just rolled my eyes and ordered more cheesecake.
We got home, Sara was half asleep in the car. Every once in awhile she would mumble something like 'this song sucks' the only reason I find it so funny? The radio isn't on.

I parked the car, Sara was still sleeping. I picked her up without ease, she couldn't have been more than 120 pounds. I got her inside the apartment and carried her over to the bed, setting her down carefully.

I got in pajamas and got ready for bed. I climbed in the bed slowly making sure to not wake Sara. I then spooned behind her, she was the best little spoon. (Stupid spoonses) ((aware I spelled that wrong)



Wrong Number (Josh Dun)Where stories live. Discover now