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This is a flashback of Saras past just in case ur confused
"Sara, wake up. It's Christmas." The small voice called out to me. I opened my eyes, my little sister hovered above my tired face.

"I'm up I'm up." I mumbled and flipped onto my side. "What time is it anyway?"

"3 something." She giggled, the nine year old girl was full of so much hope. At twelve I was completely and utterly hopeless. My parents hated my guts, and loved my sister. I was never really sure why, I had good grades, I stayed out of trouble, and I was always respectful. And every Christmas was the same, I got about two presents on average, while my sister got a lot more. Finally, my sister would share everything she got with me out of love, then I'd eat some crappy meal while everyone else dined at the dinner table.

"Sara! Wake up!" Miranda says now more persistent. I sit up now defeated and let my younger sister drag me down the stairs. "Wait here I'll go get mom and dad." She says running back up the stairs. I sigh and do as I'm told, the tree is brightly lit and it looks like there are hundreds of presents under it. My parents come down the stairs looking tired and bitter. They just sit in the couch and watch Miranda open everything. I open my two presents, one is a ten dollar gift card to Mc Donald's, while the other is just a winter jacket. And it's very ugly one in fact, but of course I would be forced to wear it.
"Go upstairs and eat." The statement comes from my father. I leave before he yells more in front of the guests that are now arriving. I have a can of chicken noodle soup by myself, and a bottle of water.

"Merry Christmas to me I guess." I say in a bitter whisper. I look out my window, a new family was moving it next door. The window across from me showed a boy, he was cute and probably around my age.

He waved with a smile and opened his window, while I opened mine.

"Hi, I'm Jai."

Ew an asshole (don't swear kids.)

Wrong Number (Josh Dun)Where stories live. Discover now