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When we got back to the room, just tossed my bag on the dresser.

"Why on earth would I break up with you for such a dumb reason? Tell me now." Josh growled.

I stayed still where I was, I didn't lift my face when I spoke, "I just have a bad outlook of everything Jo--"

"Look at me when you fucking talk." Josh spat, I was so scared, he was so mad.

I suddenly burst into tears and sank down the wall, I could barely breathe.

"Fuck I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you upset come here." Josh knelt in front of me, he touched my knees causing me to tense up dramatically.

"Sara please. I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you I'm just sad. I say dumb things when I'm sad, I'm so sorry." He rubbed circles on my knees slowly.

I began to rock slowly, I felt young and vulnerable again, it felt like after I just got hit and Jai was apologizing. I couldn't believe what was happening currently.

"Sara, look at me please, say something." Josh was begging.

"Fuck Jai. He's an ass and I can't believe I let him out me through hell and take advantage of me. Fuck my parents for telling me I have no worth.." I mumbled, I felt angry at the world, and josh didn't deserve to hear me go on about it.

"Syrup, please come here, I wouldn't hurt you, I promise, and I won't pressure you into anything, please." Josh opened his arms, I crawled into his lap, his arms wrapped around me.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." I replied.

Okay so now I have to go through the rest of my chapters and fix a bunch of stupid stuff that I fricked up the first time writing this //:

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