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It's so weird to be writing a fic w a guy and girl cause I'm so gay it's bad (literally bisexual but I call myself gay why am I like this?)
Me: where tf r u Jish

Josh: the store????????????????????

Me: what's with all the ?'s do u not know where u r?

Josh: I told you I was going to the store when I left

Me: well I got bored and wanted to text u

Josh: I'm shoppin tho

Me: fine it's okay I'll just leave bye Joshypoo :,(

Josh: no wait don't go

Me: haha I knew that would wrk
Me: work**

Josh: you suck.

Me: yeah but only you ;)

Josh: nice

Me: hurry up and shop I'm bored and hungry

Josh: it will take me longer if you keep texting me 🐸☕️

Me: why'd u put a cup of coffee and a frog??

Josh: it's a meme.

Me: lol

Josh: what the frick is coconut oil??

Me: lube

Josh: why is it on the list?!!!

Me: I'm jk jk, it's this stuff that has multiple uses, and since my hair is dyed it's damaged so I wanted to use it to fix my hair a little.

Josh: does it at lest smell like coconuts?

Me: idk I'm pretty sure,,it's my first time using it

Josh: okay let me ask a worker where the frick they keep it

Me: Kk bb
Josh didn't text me back after that, which worried me. What if he didn't like when I called him 'bb'? What if he found someone better than me in the store? What if- the door opened interrupting my thoughts. Josh walked in with a bunch of groceries.

"Hey I'm home."

"I see that." I said going over and helping him set down the groceries. As I was setting down the last one, Josh picked me up from behind me causing me to let out an embarrassing squeak.

"Joshhhhhh put me down!!"

"Alright." He said then tossing me on the couch.

"Did you just toss me?" (That reminds me of that meme of that dog getting thrown in the air and his face is like "did this bitch really just toss me?? I'll post it at the bottom of the chapter)

"Yeah, you're really light."

"Let me help you put groceries away." I said getting up, Josh stood in front of me.

"I got your fancy coconut oil."

"Thanks Joshypoo." I said causing him to half cringe.

"Please don't say that ever again."

"Finnnnnneee Joshy."

"Come here." He said with open arms, I went into his arms and wrapped my arms around him tightly.

"And I'll be holding onto you." I whispered and laughed at my own pun.

Josh held me tighter, there was literally no space between us. He kissed my forehead and rocked us back and forth.

"I'm falling in love with you too, Joshypoo."



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