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After several days of moving down to LA and saying bye to a lot of acquaintances who would forget my name soon enough, Josh and I were finally finishing readjusting stuff in our room. My bulky piano fit well into Josh and I's music room, which we were both excited about.

We were currently laying down in our bed, which was originally his, and very comfy. Joshua was half asleep while some scary movie played on TV, each time there was a jump scare I would flinch.

"Hey Josh?" I whispered.

"Yes Sweets?" Josh mumbled tiredly.

"Thank you for, well, everything honestly," I paused, "I love you, and I'm so glad I'm here with you, and I don't ever plan on leaving your side." I rubbed his shoulder lightly, his back slowly turned and his front was facing me.

"And I love you baby, I've never moved in with any girlfriends so this is pretty serious." Josh and I both chuckled.

I crawled all the way under the covers that smelled so much like Josh, and cuddled up beside him, sighing pleasantly when Joshua wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm so exhausted from this week, so much driving." I spoke in a hushed voice. Josh hummed in response, his eyes shut.

"Goodnight Babe." I kissed his forehead, the corners of his lips perked up.

"Goodnight babygirl. I love you more than words could say." And even though we were moved in together, I still could find myself blushing at his words.

"I love you too Joshy."

The next morning I woke up confused, I didn't quite remember where I was. Instinctively, I grabbed for Joshua's hand, he eyed me carefully.

"What's wrong?" He asked, I could tell he'd been awake for awhile just from his voice.

"Apologies I just forgot where we were for a second." I sighed and sat up.

"Don't worry about it baby, come here." Josh pulled me closer to him and kissed my forehead.

I wrapped my arms around his torso and buried my head in his chest, "I'm pretty sure that everyday you make me fall for you even more."

I noticed Joshua blush, "Ditto Sweets, how about we go out on a date today? Maybe go see a movie?"

"That sounds nice." I shut my eyes and leaned right back into Josh's embrace, he started rubbing small circles into my back and it made me sleepy.

"I'm gonna go shower." Josh let go and stood up to get ready.

"Ugh you were so warm though." I groaned and grabbed his pillow and cuddled it.

"You're so cute." Josh walked back over and kissed me slowly.

"I'm gonna miss you, hurry up." I spoke sarcastically.

"Only for you." Josh left the room to go shower.

I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and started checking my notifications, I decided to post on Instagram, which would be my second post since I actually saw Twenty One Pilots in concert.

I posted the picture of me and Josh from the ferry, I tagged him and captioned it: "My roommates kinda cute should I get his number?"

Almost instantly a bunch of people started liking it, it was such a weird feeling, and I didn't really know how to feel. I shut off my phone and decided to venture out and get something to eat.

My phone dinged, telling me that Josh has commented on my post.

joshuadun: yes I think you should, you guys would make a good couple. #jora?? #sarsh?? #helpneedashipname

I cringed slightly, Joshua was too adorable, I commented back.

Me: @ joshuadun I'm thinking maybe jora

I found some cereal to eat and made up a bowl, shortly after Josh came out of the shower.

"Hey Sweets, whatcha eating?" I smiled softly.

"Just some Honey Nut Cheerios, also please dry off your body when you get out of the shower oh my god." Josh only smirked and came over to me.

"One, how dare you eat someone else's nut, and two," Josh threw up arms around me getting my pajamas wet.

"Agh! You're so grotesque!!" I squealed.

Josh stopped and took a step back, "What did you call me?"

My anxiety kicked in, "It was a joke I'm sorry."

"Baby girl I was messing too," Josh stepped back over to me and kissed me softly.

I ran my hands through his wet hair, and kissed him a bit harder. Joshua smiled and broke the kiss, "How did I get so lucky?"

"I ask myself the same question every time I think of you."

Heyhey I'm back !!

How was everyone's Halloween (if y'all celebrate)

I went trick or treating w my best friend even tho I'm 16 cause whatever, I was a vampire and I literally looked so good ???? (That sounds self centered but don't worry it's like the least self-depreciating thing I've said in like 4 months prolly)

Also sorry I haven't updated in a long time, I'm still not doing good and I'm in the middle of moving ,,, anywhoooo

Have a good one my frens, always know that my inbox is open, (((:

I love you (:

~Mel 💜💜

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