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(This is back to Seattle just so y'all know and aren't confused af)
Sara had fallen asleep resting on my chest. I still couldn't grasp the fact she was mine, it actually physically hurt.

I sighed causing her to stir in her sleep, it was almost New Years, I had to do  something special. I ran my hand through her short hair, it was soft and from where I was I could smell her fruity shampoo.

"All mine." I whispered. I brought my lips down and kissed her forehead. It was probably time for me to go to sleep too, I knew Sara had to work in the morning, she worked everyday it seemed. I shut my eyes that hadn't taken a single rest for days and fell asleep.

When I woke up I saw a text message on my phone.

Sara: hey cutie, I'm off work at 1, I'll be home soon after. Love you!

I smiled down at my phone, I could hear her voice behind the text.

Me: Love you too, have a good day at work!

I then decided to do something nice, it was 11. I quickly got dressed and put on a hat. I ran down the street to the grocery store and got some bright red roses and candy, but not chocolate. Sara liked Laffy Taffys more than chocolate, and I knew that from when we went to the movies together. I couldn't help but collect even the smallest of things about Sara, and yes I do happen to hoard the little and big things that make up her character.

I got back to the apartment and put the flowers in a vase, the candy going beside the vase. I wanted to show Sara how much I really loved her, and this was only the beginning.
I heard the door open, I was laying on the couch with Netflix open on her tv. I had been waiting for her ever since 12. I was in my pajamas, I put a pair of Sara's softest pants on her bed along with one of my sweatshirts for her to wear.

"Hey Joshy." She smiled and sat down beside me.

"Come here." I said getting up and dragging her with me to the kitchen. She gasped and hugged me tightly, she was precious.

"You're the best!" She kissed me for a moment, while I deepened the kiss. I hadn't really gotten very deep with anything like kissing with Sara, which I still intended to do so. This would be a whole new start, before yes we did have a nice going relationship, but this was going to be even better.

For the next couple hours I cuddled Sara in our pjs watching Supernatural, since she liked the show so much. To me, it didn't matter than I understood none of it, because Sara was happy, and that made me even happier.

Omg Josh ur too good 2 Sara 😊😊😊

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