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please stop telling me you liked this story before I decided to change it. because my changing this isn't for you, it's for be and the lack of confidence in my writing. i understand that you're trying to be nice, but it just further upsets me. sorry.

Me: hey can you send a pic of you now

Sara: fine *picture attachment*

Me: sorry that sounded weird

Sara: Lel Josh ur blind (and kicked out of the band)

Me: no my eye sight is perfectly normal
Me: and ur hot
Me: if not shrexy ;)

Sara: pls no Jish

Me: k fine
Me: Sara, I got you the tickets for the concert in Seattle

Sara: Josh, you didn't have to do that...

Me: well then we can finally meet

Sara: are you gonna be there too???

Me: yeah, but I need to be there..

Sara: haha what do you mean, do you work for them or something??

Me: kinda...

Sara: okay, do you have skype?

Me: yeah

Sara: ADD ME!!¡

Me: fine what's your user?

Sara: joshdunisjoshfun

Me: please tell me your kidding oh my god

Sara: stop making me wish I was!!
I grabbed my laptop and turned it on, I pulled up my skype and typed in Sara's username and added her.

Right away she called me so I covered my camera until I turned it off, the room she was in was dark and I could barely see her.

"Joshy turn on your camera!" She smiled brightly.

"Sara I can't it's broken." I lied. She couldn't know she was talking to me, she always talked about having a crush on me an what not.

"Okay, can you send me a picture of you?" She responded carefully.

"You'll hate me, sorry Sara.." I commented

"Okay, I mean I'm not sure why but okay.." She paused, "But I'm turning mine off then so it's fair." Her camera turned off and I heard her humming quietly, her voice was really pretty.

All of a sudden my door opened, Tyler stood in my doorway with a bag of Taco Bell.

"Hey Joshy, daddy brought you some dinner." He hollered. Sara gasped and begin to giggle.

"Dude get out I'm talking to Sara!" I yelled back hoping he'd take the hint.

"Ooh the Sara you never stop talking about?" He smirked and set down the taco bell bag.

"Tyl- I mean Jake get the heck out!" I quickly covered and watched Tyler begin to walk away.

"Oh yeah, have fun you two lovebirds!" He said winking. "And don't forget your protection Josh."

I sighed, "I'm sorry Sara, can we talk some other time? This is really embarrassing I'm so sorry." I said.

"Yeah sure, I have work in the morning, so text me after. Also, has anyone ever told you, your voice actually sounds like Josh Dun's?" She laughed. I bit my lip nervously.

"I've never heard that one actually." I said awkwardly, she really was a fan.

"Alright, bye Josh." I know her camera was off, but I could hear her smile.

"Bye Sara, sleep well."

I couldn't believe the embarrassment I was feeling

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