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A knock sounded at the door, sounding urgent, "Sara let me in now."

I walked over to the door and unlocked it, checking the peephole. Josh's red hair was all I could see.

"Are you mad at me?" I could hear my fear.

"Very. Now let me in. We need to talk." Oh, he came to breakup with me.

I knew for a fact our relationship wouldn't last, after all a girl like me didn't end up with guys like Josh.

I twisted the door knob, Josh was quick to push it open, causing me to fly back. He looked angry enough to hurt someone.

When he noticed my discomfort, he rolled his eyes. "Christ is not like I'm gonna hit you. We need to talk right now."

I nodded and looked down, feeling worse, I couldn't even cry.

"You aren't gonna say anything?" He raised his eyebrows, waiting.

"W-what do you want me to s-say?" A lump grew in my throat.

"My god. I don't know, sorry?" He ran his hand quickly through his hair, I again took several steps back.

"I'm sorry.." I mumbled, I hated this situation, he could at least dump me and not ask for such silly things.

"I forgive you, next time don't be so rude about it. Now let's go back to the room together." Josh went to my bag and grabbed it for me.

"W-what?" I asked softly.

"Do you not want to come back with me?" Josh still had an attitude.

"I thought you were here to break up with me.." I answered honestly, Josh's jaw clenched.

"Are you kidding me? Over such a stupid thing? What do you take me for?" He set my bag down.

"No it's not like that, I ju--"

"Just what."

"I was about to answ--"

"My goodness. Let's just fucking go." He took my bag and left the room, I followed behind him, trying to keep up.

We got to the lobby where I checked myself out, I did my best to look like I was fine, but I doubt anyone bought it.


*me posting chapters I know will make people prolly send me hate*

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