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Joshy 💜: Sara
Joshy 💜: Sara

Me: Josh you're sitting right next to me

Joshy 💜: Well yeah

Me: Why can't you just talk?

Joshy 💜: I don't see you talking

Me: Shut up

Joshy 💜: Like you said, I'm not talking ;)))

Me: whatevs. You smell good lol

Joshy 💜: Wow thanks I love compliments on my flesh prison

I rolled off the couch laughing, Josh and I ended up staying up really late looking at memes, I got my shift changed to late at night for the next two weeks because after two weeks I would be in California.

"Baby you weren't supposed to fall on the floor! Come here." Josh scooped my off the floor onto his lap.

"Oh hi." I chuckled softly, looking at Josh who was now smiling.

"Hey there." I saw his eyes flicker down to my lips and only smiled.


"Yes?" He answered.

"You're really handsome and give me butterflies. I have to pee now." I slipped off his lap and rushed to the bathroom, I looked back at him before I went into the bathroom; he was blushing.

I started relieving myself and thought hard about how happier I did feel, yeah I still had horrible thoughts and all, but having Josh around distracted me. For a moment I took the time to actually think. Thinking was always a dangerous thing for me, no different from the present I was in.

My mood changed fast and then I was sad, thinking about how much better Josh could do, someone who didn't hesitate at all with him and actually fit his standards.

I flushed the toilet and started washing my hands, I started counting to stop thinking, there was no way in hell I wanted to ruin my time with Josh.

I came out of the bathroom and was instantly enveloped into arms. I let out a squeak but wrapped my arms back around Josh.

"You're so adorable." He mumbled, Josh led me back to the couch where we cuddled for a little while.

"I'm gonna go shower babe, I have to leave at 6 for work." I kissed Josh's cheek but he only groaned loudly.

"But baby it's only 2." Josh whined, I grinned and kissed his cheek again.

"You're the cutest." And with that Josh pulled me closer and started kissing me softly, I felt the blood rush to my cheeks.

Once he pulled away I saw that he was blushing too, "I love you." He spoke, and I swear to god I could hear my heart beat.

"I love you too." Any bad mood I had felt was gone, "I'm gonna shower now babe." I kissed Josh on the lips again, but only a soft peck.

Hello I hate school already and I've only been there for 3 days.

My civics class sucks bc there's like 8/30 people who are okay w gay marriage for one, and two these two boys in my grade are so mean and have different view points than me and since they do they're both really mean to me. It doesn't help that I have short hair and dress like an edge lord lmao !!!! I have one friend in the class and I'm pretty sure just about everyone has different political views than me and I'm scared of being made fun of. (I live in the middle of fricking no where and that's where my school is. It's god awful) oh and the worst part?? I can't switch out of the class !!!!

And my English class is for a freshman in college and I'm not in college so I'm scared of failing it. I'm a junior rn and for the past two years the worst grade I had in school was a B+ and I never want to fail a class again, I have such a bad fear of failure and oh god I'm so anxious.

I'm thinking about just transferring to a different school next year bc everyone at my school is small-minded (the majority anyway) and it's actually really stupid.

This is such a stupid rant but I have nothing to lose anymore, sorry if this rant inconvenienced any of y'all lmao

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