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I hope y'all enjoy the header as much as I do. Not sure when it was taken but I found it in my camera roll

Since last time we went to the mall, I decided to take Sara somewhere else for our date. I took her to the board walk at the beach, that way we could walk along the shore without going swimming, and we could do other fun things on the board walk.

It got a bit colder at the beach but the good thing was, was that I brought an extra jacket because I knew I would end up giving mine to Sara at some point.

I took us into the arcade where we spent the first thirty minutes in, we kept playing two player shooting games, and Sara was always better than me somehow. We kept playing because I was so determined to beat her.

"Did you like, study this stuff? I don't get how you're so good?" I teased.

"Actually, yes, I did. I have a degree in two player zombie shooting games. Better watch your back, Dun." She blew a quick breath on the muzzle like they do in movies and winked.

"I can't tell if I'm scared or aroused." (@ Wonder Woman tbh)

Sara threw her head back and laughed, and all I could do was smile at the sight. I couldn't believe how far she had come, from being the girl who was shy and didn't want to share, to the most beautiful sunset that I knew everyone saw in her. She was practically glowing. She was funny and sweet, and so goddamn smart, I couldn't believe how wise she was. Sometimes I couldn't tell if she was actually 25, and not hundreds of years old.

"Earth to Josh," she waved a hand in front of my eyes, "Your mission is over, you're back from Mars," she saluted me and giggled.

I grinned, "I'm sorry I just can't help but think about how amazing you are, and how happy you make me. I can't help it. You've got me officially wrapped around your finger," I confessed and she blushed.

"Yeah yeah Dun, let's go play more games so I can keep kicking your butt." She dragged me to another game and continued to beat me.

Man did she have me whipped.

Haha here's some heckling vanilla since I'm stupid and never sleep.

I'm sorry I haven't updated in a bit, I've been in a small bout but I felt like writing something sweet.

Finals ended and I ended up getting a 95% on my English 101 final which I thought I was gonna fail !! (It's college level English and I'm only a junior in hs pls be proud of me I suck)

Also I was telling my bro this story has like over a million reads and he's like "you should sell digital copies on kindles" and I kinda cringed like ?? If I do that how will y'all see my annoying notes ??? Haha I love you guys and this story I don't need to profit from it.

Anyways I should actually sleep ,,, I'll try to update soon (:


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